Documenting, record keeping and reporting to stakeholders
What are the ways that we can document a student’s progress? The methods you use to record assessment information will be shaped by the: Nature of your students Size of the class Subjects or areas you teach Audiences requiring reports Technologies you have available
Some ways to document a student’s progress: Checklists Samples of student work A mark or letter book Partial credit Anecdotal records Self recording
Using assessment information Keep class assessment files for recording test data. Keep complete up-to-date records of class & individual performance. Complete error analysis of test data. Keep records of the time students take to complete formal tests & particular problem types.
Make use of assessment information to plan instruction Use assessment information to evaluate the appropriateness & effectiveness of instruction. Ensure that results of standardised assessments are kept confidential.
Useful question to follow: How will the recorded information be used? How often will the information be recorded? What information will be recorded? Who will record the information?
Who requires the information? Who will have access to the information? Where will the information be stored so that it can be accessed at a later date?