Policy Group on Statistical Cooperation 30-31 October 2014, Antalya Good practices for departments of international cooperation
Background MGSC has discussed the mandate and tasks of international cooperation departments (ICD) of NSIs since some years MGSC March 2014 – a proposal was put forward to compile a list or a handbook of good practices for work in the ICD Eurostat has now made a first draft of a handbook of good practices A Handbook on Good Practices could inspire other stakeholders A Handbook on Good Practices would help staff at ICD to learn from each other A Handbook on Good Practices would give examples of practices that have made the work of ICD in other countries efficient and successful
What is the purpose? Eurostat has contact with all the ICDs ICDs are usually very small and do not always have a critical mass The objective is to spread the use of good practices to other countries In times of scarce resources it is useful to learn from each other Intended users of the Handbook are ICDs and similar units in NSIs of: EU member states EFTA countries Enlargement countries Potentially other countries (ENP and beyond)
How was the handbook compiled? Collection of examples from minutes and presentations of meetings Developing a template to collect further information Contacting the ICD of relevant countries Categorising the different practices
What is a good/best practice A method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means A method or technique that is used as a benchmark. A method or technique that could be useful for another NSI A method or technique used to describe the process of developing and following a standard way of doing things that multiple organizations can use. A practice can evolve to become better as improvements are discovered.
Template to describe the practices Title Category Description of the good practice Why it is a good practice / what are the objectives of this good practice Comments and additional information
Categories of good practices Strategic documents and Mandate for International/Statistical Cooperation Coordination (two-way communication with a requirement for action) Donor coordination Coordination of the national statistical system Communication (mainly one-way to spread knowledge and information) Intranet, Internet Publications, newsletters Project-related activities (management of IPA and other projects) Monitoring of EU acquis (data availability, data transmission) Training
Questions for discussion 1. What are your expectations for such a handbook? 2. What do you think about the structure and proposed content? 3. What do you consider a good practice? 4. What kind of other good practices could you propose? 5. How would you describe a good practice – is more information than in the templates needed?