NACI 2018/19 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN Presentation to the Portfolio Committee of Science and Technology Presenter: Mlungisi Cele 18 April 2018
Presentation Outline Mandate, vision, mission and strategic outcome-oriented goals Contextualisation of Annual Performance Plan Selected initiatives and targets Medium-term and short-term Resources Conclusion
Legislative Mandate Section 3 of the NACI Act (Act 55 of 1997) “…advise the Minister for Science and Technology, and through the Minister, the Minister’s Committee and Cabinet, on the role and contribution of science, mathematics, innovation and technology, including indigenous technologies, in promoting and achieving national objectives”
Ministerial assignments to NACI (1) In 2014, at the NACI Council’s inaugural meeting, Minister Pandor assigned the following tasks: “a review of the national system of innovation based on assessing progress since the 1996 White Paper. The objective would be to craft a new White Paper to be published in 2015 and the development of a decadal strategy to be developed for the ten years of 2016 to 2026. NACI will also be required to conduct five-year reviews of progress on the decadal plan”. Minister encouraged NACI to advise on how to convert successful projects into new business.
Ministerial assignments to NACI (2) Minister recommended the addition of foresight studies to the work of NACI. Specifically, “NACI could assist in identifying policy gaps and areas of scientific and technological activity that we need to add to add to the work of our research community. Furthermore foresight studies would also advise government on new institutional forms or modifications that need to be made to ensure we are system ready for new discipline focus areas”.
Vision and mission Vision: A leading advisory body to government on science, technology and innovation (STI) within a well-coordinated, responsive and functioning National System of Innovation (NSI). Mission: To provide evidence-based advice to the Minister of Science and Technology and through the Minister to Cabinet on STI matters through research expertise and engagement with stakeholders.
Ideal National System of Innovation
Strategic Outcome-Oriented Goal (1) To learn from previous experience to improve efficacy, relevance and ensure evidence-based, confidential and timely STI advice to the Minister of Science and Technology and, through the Minister, Cabinet. To contribute to the building of NSI monitoring, evaluation and learning capability in order to assess the health of the NSI and its contribution to sustainable and inclusive development.
Strategic Outcome-Oriented Goals (2) To contribute to the building of a well-coordinated, responsive and effective NSI. Transforming NACI into a smart, efficient and learning organisation.
Contextualisation of the 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan (APP)
Context National Development Plan (NDP) and STI policy package (consisting of the 1996 White Paper, 2002 National Research and Development Strategy and Ten-Year Innovation Plan), set out the framework for establishment of National System of Innovation (NSI) based on strong science and technology system; Promote STI as critical to long-term sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development; reducing poverty, unemployment and inequality; and Identify actions and targets.
National challenges and opportunities (1) Sluggish economy-unemployment, poverty and inequality, current account deficit etc. Water scarcity, energy, food security, loss of top soil and HIV/AIDs etc. Expansion and transformation of human resources for STI.
Global challenges and opportunities (1) Implementation of Sustainable Development goals (SDGs); Inclusion and sustainability-role of STI 4th Industrial revolution and digitisation facilitated by the growth of mobile telecommunications and the rapid uptake of data and sensors (the Internet of Things), in both advanced and emerging economies (OECD, 2015).
Global challenges and opportunities cont. (2) Open Science (inclusivity-people and nations, infrastructure, talent/HCD, and governance) and Big Data (access, infrastructure, software and governance); Globalisation and growing complexity of STI require greater interdisciplinary cooperation; Bridging of Science/Engineering & Social Sciences & Humanities in Education system; Post-truth era.
NACI specific challenges and opportunities Production and utilisation of advice. “The challenge confronting us now is that of converting early successes into projects that the rest of government adopts, packaging the advice to cabinet in a manner that allows cabinet to see the potential for socio economic development offered by emerging innovations”(Minister Pandor, 2014). Composition and renewal of Council. Communication and knowledge management. Staff capability and organisational capacity to meet increasing demands. Delayed finalisation of new organogram, job descriptions and skills audit.
Selected medium-term initiatives and targets
Selected medium term initiatives (1) Development of STI decadal plan framework: Capacity building for about 50 young researchers/policy makers/analysts/planners. Foresight exercise to be undertaken. Development of STI data and information portal: Documenting of user experiences Developing business case for upscaling. Technical Team consisting of diverse stakeholders including DST Entities. Development of NSI monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework and system. Collaboration with SciSTIP-leading to preliminary draft M&E framework; Will consider context new White Paper once finalised;
Selected medium term initiatives (2) Proposed areas of advice: Uptake of locally produced technologies (collaboration with DDG: Programme 5); Technology diffusion (including analysis of balance of payments, econometric analysis of the benefits of importing technology); Development of bio-economy strategy measurement framework (secured Ministerial support); Absorption of black researchers (with masters and doctoral degrees) by firms; Evaluation of sector innovation fund (collaboration with DDG: Programme 5); Grade 12 mathematics and science learner performance (secured support of Department of Basic Education) Financing of NSI-(collaborating with Wits Economists, SciSTIP, HSRC).
Selected medium term initiatives (3) Deepen existing and build new networks and participate in local, continental and international forums-to learn and share. Hosting of BRICS Advisory Forum; Work with SADC STI Desk; Strengthen relations with National Research Foundation (NRF), Human Science Research Council (HSRC), Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), STATsSA, Reserve Bank, Council on Higher Education; Academy of Sciences South Africa (ASSAf), South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP), Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), NEPAD, DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Scientometrics and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (SciSTIP) etc. Self-evaluation and external evaluation or institutional review.
Selected APP Targets STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 1.To provide evidence- based advice on STI matters on request or on the NACI's own initiative. Number of STI advice submitted to the Minister of Science and Technology 3 x STI advice submitted to the Minister of Science and Technology by 31 March 2019 2.To assess the performance of the NSI Number of NSI M&E Reports produced 2 x NSI M&E Reports finalised by 31 March 2019
Selected APP Targets (Cont) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 3. To develop STI central data and information repository from publicly financed data Successful implementation of National STI Information Portal Functional STI Data and Information Portal (National STI Information Portal operational, and users able to access initial set of data and information) by 31 March 2019
Selected APP Targets…(Cont) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 4. To contribute to the building of a well-coordinated, responsive and effective NSI Ministerial approval secured for high-level framework for a new STI decadal plan. 1 x a high level framework for an STI decadal plan submitted to the Minister of Science and Technology by 31 October 2018 Foresight exercise conducted Foresight exercise reports generated by 31 July 2018
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN: ANNUAL TARGETS…(Cont) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 5. To ensure efficient and effective provision of corporate services such as administrative, financial, technical and professional, to support the discharge of the core mandate of NACI. Communication plan implemented Communication plan implemented by 31 March 2019 Internal cooperate governance system approved and implemented Internal cooperate governance system (APP, Annual Report) developed and approved by 31 March 2019
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN: ANNUAL TARGETS…(Cont) STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET 5. To ensure efficient and effective provision of corporate services such as administrative, financial, technical and professional, to support the discharge of the core mandate of NACI. Knowledge management system Knowledge management system approved by 31 March 2018
NACI Expenditure Estimates Programme R thousands Audited outcomes Adjusted appropriation Medium expenditure estimates 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Compensation of Employees 6 849 10 034 8 451 10 857 11 005 11 797 12 785 Goods and Services 5 643 8 223 5 768 8 649 9 142 9 654 10 185 Total 12 503 18 257 14 249 19 506 20 147 21 451 22 970
CONCLUSION Mandate Continue to implement both the legislative mandate and Ministerial assignments (2014 and 2018 Inaugural Council meetings); Alignment of Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan with NDP, and DST Strategic Plan. System focus Strengthen planning, analytical and M&E capabilities; Deepen and consolidate engagements with various NSI actors in order to improve quality, relevance and uptake of advice; Strengthen regional and continental partnerships-DST ICR to play an important role in this regard.
CONCLUSION Ensure achievement of pre-determined objectives Organisational Ensure achievement of pre-determined objectives Undertake self-evaluation and external evaluation or institutional review. Implementation of new organogram Staff development; Repositioning, communication and knowledge management essential; Seizing opportunities of digitisation-collaborating with DST IT.
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