Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Krystal Shaw Room G3 Course 1 & 2
About Me Mrs. Krystal Shaw Room G3 Email: shawkrystal@dublinusd.org
Signed by both the parent due Today 8/24 Welcome Letter Welcome Letter Signed by both the parent due Today 8/24
Important Materials Students should bring these every day: Textbook Consumable Minder Binder (check daily!) Notebook Folder + binder paper Scissors and glue Pencil, red pen, whiteboard marker (EXPO)
Online Resources ConnectEd: eBook + additional practice resources (for remediation and enrichment) Will be available to students within the next few weeks Parent Portal username: student ID# password: jg112384 (firstinitial lastinitial birthdate)
Classwork/Notes Check/Projects Grading Policy Course 1 Course 2 Tests/Quizzes 65 % 70% Homework 10% Classwork/Notes Check/Projects 25% 20%
Homework Tips Expect HW 4 to 5 times a week, ranging from about 15 – 25 minutes. Graded on a rubric (0,1,3,5) Students should have their notebook and consumable out while doing HW to refer to class examples. Late Work Policy: Partial credit, due before the relevant test Class Website
Help AP: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Course 1 students report to Mrs. Goel G5 Course 2 students will come to my AP Make an appointment to meet with me before or after school