Valley Vista
7 th year teaching at Valley Vista Bachelors Degree: Early Childhood Masters Degree from BW: Reading
Supplies/Desk Issues PTA Manila Folder Room Parent/Party Sign-ups
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Newsletters Notes and Notices Daily Agenda ** Please sign daily** Phone Calls or
School-Wide Reading and Math Calendar Spelling Math 3 missed or late assignments= Blue letter/Miss Recess
School Wide Behavior Plan-Blue Letter The Book Clip Up/Down System
Practice given in Fall Spring Test Dates:
Point of Sale Program Checks in envelope/baggie with name and room number Low Balance Slips come home Healthy snack Water Bottle on hot days-labeled
Reading Calendar OAA practice homework Monthly Book Reports See Paired Reading/Read Aloud information on website
-Practice Math Facts - Book Available Online - Games and Help on VV site and my website
Please check the Valley Vista website for bus information and complete the bus tag provided.
Wax Museum Charlottes Web County Fair for 2 nd grade Immigration Day
for taking the time to attend Open House! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!