Presenter Tony Bosnich Oct 2015 Planning and Organising Two Plant and Equipment Excavation calculation ConstructioConstrucc 2 : 2012 Construction Practice 2 : 2012 Use title slide layout Presenter Tony Bosnich Oct 2015 © Unitec New Zealand >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION
Learning outcomes 1.Analysis excavation plant requirements for large commercial sites 2.Consider options and confirm selection. 3.Carry out Excavation Quantity calculations to confirm validity of selection and highlight any problem areas. Confirm haulage requirements and number of machines To achieve a new layout – insert a new slide, then in the slide thumbnail left side view, Right Click, choose layout – and pick a content style to use >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION
1.Analysis Excavation plant requirements Analysis site constraints Constraints and the way we deal with them are the single biggest factor affecting the overall success of the project Run through check list which is similar to the crane exercise DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION
List constraints of excavation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER
Excavation Specific Constraints Large quantities of dirt to remove from site Restrictions of time in programme but also project specific daily requirements Consider bulk verses detailed excavation Adjoining properties , access one way, flow through Services - danger of contact with existing. Communications Movement on site of material, gates, wash down provision, traffic control , ramps Public protection , across and through public areas requires special care DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION
Formulate Excavation Proposal Our assignment Consider plan provided sheet a 1. Identify constraints from list on previous slide. 2. What type of excavator would be suitable? 3. How do we get it into place 4. How do we remove it when complete 5. Do we need to attack from more than one work face at a time. 6. Consider operation , dig only stock pile on site, dig and remove off site, bring back suitable fill. 7. Haulage requirements. 8 . Other machinery required? DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION
Excavation plant selection Calculations Fill in spread sheet in excel as provided in hand out 1.Work out total quantity 1st Allow for 1.5m from grid line to face of piled retaining wall for working space outside building. Excavation is 7.2 meters from ground floor slab 2.Adjust for bulking of excavated materials 17.5 % 3.Adjust for operator 95% efficiency and machine 90% efficiency. Given machinery bucket size is 1.5 m3 Data sheet production rate is 100m3 per hour 4. What is the total machine hours required for this total excavation. DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION
Consider also Movement of traffic and haulage maybe greater problem than production capacity of diggers. Consider both aspects how much material will excavator produces per hour. Round trip - the meaning of??? >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION