W.09 and W.02 Use evidence from literature or informational text to support your main idea. Write an informative or explanatory essay that conveys complex ideas or concepts with a strongly developed focus and organization.
The Body Paragraph
Step 1: Topic SENTENCE A Topic Sentence (TS) is the top bun of a hamburger. TS = 1st sentence of the paragraph. It shows the main idea. Consists of a subject and opinion- Something that you have to prove.
Example Topic Sentence (TS) In the short story “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi,” Rikki is a protective mongoose. Subject: Opinion: Your subject: Your Opinion:
Step 2: CONCRETE DETAILS Concrete Details (CD) are the meat of the hamburger. CDs = Support for your TS. (facts, quotes, examples, etc. from text) CDs can’t be argued with—a CD is evidence that supports your point!
Example Concrete Detail (CD) For example, every night he had to “get up and attend to every noise;” he had to know what made the sound (17). Now, write a CD for your TS (Begin your sentence with “For example,”)
Step 3: COMMENTARY Commentary Sentences (CM) are the “extras” on the hamburger—the tomato, cheese, lettuce, mayo—they make it interesting! CMs = your analysis, interpretation, explanation, or insight into how the text proves your claim in your topic sentence.
Example Commentary Sentence (This shows that) Rikki’s first priority is to keep the family safe; therefore, when nighttime comes, he is on high alert. Now write 1 sentence of CM for your CD:
Step 4: CONCLUDING (Circle) SENTENCE A concluding sentence (CS) is the bottom bun of the hamburger. ** A CS wraps up the paragraph. It rephrases the topic sentence so we come back full “circle” to the beginning.
Example Concluding Sentence (CS) Rikki will do anything to make sure his family is safe and secure.
What will be the format of our paragraph? TS CD CM CS