Decay of P wave triplet cJ Wang Zhiyong Summer school Jun ,2008
Outline Introduction Transition decay Two-body decay Pseudoscalar pair Vector pair Baryon pair multi-body decay & PWA Three-body Four-body Summary
Low-lying Charmonium Family What I will talk about
Overview on current status The summation of the all available measured BR for cJ decay channels from PDG are Here B(c1J/)=(35.61.9)% and B(c2J/)=(20.21.0)% , i.e. most decay modes of cJ are still unknown.
Why most decay modes of cJ are unknown? Similar to J/, the decay of cJ is OZI-suppressed or DOZI-suppressed except transition decay. No extremely large branching ratio can be found in cJ decay. The two largest branching ratios are The small data sample. Limited by JPC, the large cJ data sample can not be available via e+e collision, but obtained from (2S) transition decay.
transition decay c0,1,2J/ Purpose: Search for the evidence from high-order transition(above E1 model)
Transition decay Here B is the helicity amplitude If pure E1 transition, then For cJ J/, there is the similar expression, but helicity amplitude is A
Transition decay For the cascade decay of cJ ,cJ J/J Where 1 is the angle between the first radiative photon and the beam direction. (2,) are the polar angles of the second radiative photon measured in the cJ rest frame. n runs over integer values from zero to at most s. a, b,c and d are some parameters concerning helicity amplitude. For 1 ,1 J/J Where x=|B1/B0| and y=|B2/B0| , B=22 -1,=|A0/A1| For 2 , 2 J/J Where x and y are same as above. =62+2 -4,H=2-22, =A0/A1, =A2/A1
Transition decay What we focus on is the multipole amplitudes aJ in c1,2 J/ and bJ in c1,2. The relation between aJ, bJ and A, B is If a1,b1 are far away from 1 and a2,b2,a3, b3 are far from 0, it indicates that there are obvious contributions from high-order transition For J=0 a1,b1E1 a2,b2M2 a3,b3E3 For J=1 For J=2 Similar expression for B’s
Study status of transition decay c0,1,2J/, They are measured via E high, not single Two-body decay Only the branching ratios are measured now! No obvious c0 signal E low, single (E= 273,175,130 MeV) c1 c2 BESII result CLEO result
Transition decay The study on transition decay require that the candidate sample has High statistics Negligible background Large polar angle cover It is possible to carry out this study in BESIII Large BR for this transition decay. Background from (2S)00 J/ is suppressed very much! cos = 0.93 in BESIII.
Two-body decay PP pseudoscalar pair VV vector pair BB baryon pair
Motivation The study of cJSS,PP,VV can be used to Understand the contribution from high-order process. Clarify the role played by the OZI-rule violations. Disentangle the correlations from different mechanisms in the charmonium decays into light hadrons. The measurement of cJBB can be used to Test the color-octet state theory. Q. Zhao, PRD 72(2005) 074001) S.M. Wang, Eur. Phys. J. C 14,643(2000)
cJPP c0,2+,00, K+K,KsKs, , c0,1,2 Note: c1 PP is suppressed if P is the identical particle.
BES results(c0,200,,KsKs) Measurement precisions are very low! BES-I BES-I BES-II Measurement precisions are very low!
BES results (c0,2+,K+K) The current result do not contradict E1 theoretical model
CLEO’s result c0,2+, 00,K+K,KsKs,, , have been measured. CLEO Preliminary!
Theory test CLEO’S result suggest small if any contribution for DOZI decay in 0-+ channel!
The last two decay modes are not currently available cJVV , , K*0K*0, , K*+K*, . The last two decay modes are not currently available
BES results(, , K*0K*0) _ BES results(, , K*0K*0) _ B(cJ,,K*0K*0) are measured with low precision at BES (PLB, 630 7, PLB, 642, 197, PRD 70, 092003). No measurement is currently available from CLEO about cJ VV mode.
BES results(, , K*0K*0) Branching ratio of cJ , , K*0K*0(10-3) cJ Mode c0 c1 c2 2.29 0.580.41 -- 1.770.470.36 0.940.21 0.13 1.700.300.25 K*0K*0 1.780.34 0.34 1.670.32 0.31 4.860.56 0.88 The measurement precision are very low!
cJ E low E high
Statistical error is still dominant in CLEO’s measurement! cJ Statistical error is still dominant in CLEO’s measurement!
pp,,00,+, + 00,++- -,+ _ cJ BB _ _ _ _ _ pp,,00,+, + 00,++- -,+ _ _ _
BES results (pp, +) BES’s measurement precisions are very low _ _ BES results (pp, +) pp + BES’s measurement precisions are very low
BES results (pp, +) Branching ratio of cJ pp, , +–(10-4) _ _ BES results (pp, +) Branching ratio of cJ pp, , +–(10-4) cJ Mode c0 c1 c2 pp 2.71 0.430.47 0.570.17 0.09 0.650.24 0.10 4.71.3 1.0 2.61.0 0.6 3.31.5 0.7 +– 5.32.7 0.9 <3.4 <3.7
_ cJ ++- - BES-II results (unpublished) ++ region M++
CLEO’s results First observation
CLEO’s results
cJ Multi-body h+hh0 4-body
BES results(cJ KsK++c.c, +) a0(980) K*(892) K*(1430) f2(1270)
CLEO’s results (3M sample) cJ K+K, +, pp, + f2(1270) a0(980) cJ K+K, +, pp, +
cJ KsK++c.c.,K+K0,pp0,Kp CLEO’s results cJ KsK++c.c.,K+K0,pp0,Kp
CLEO’s results cJ KsK+ + c.c.
cJ 4-body & partial wave analysis (PWA)
PWA of c0+-K+K(BES result) (770) f0(1710) f0(980) f0(1270) f0(2200) K*0(892) K*0(1430) K*0(1430)
PWA of c0+-K+K
PWA of c0+-K+K
cJ h+hKsKs (BES)
cJ h+hKsKs(BES)
cJ h+hh0h0 +00 K+K00 pp00 K+K KKs 0
CLEO’s results
(770) is obvious in all 0 combinations cJ +00 (770) is obvious in all 0 combinations
cJKKs0 K*(892) is obvious in all K combinations and (770) is obvious in all 0 combinations
cJ h+hh0h0
Thank you! Summary Most decay modes of cJ are still unknown. Most currently available measured precision of cJ decay are very poor except transition decay. Transition decay and c0,2PP mode can be used to test E1 theory. cJ VV (,,K*K*,,) + PP(,,,KK) can be used to clarify the role played by the OZI-rule violations. c0,2BB can be used to test COM theory. For the multi-body decay of cJ, intermediate states can be found in all modes. Partial Wave Analysis (PWA) is necessary if one want to obtain more details. For cJ study, we should put our efforts along with two directions depth (improve the current measured precision), width (search new decay mode). A large (2S) data sample is necessary !!! Thank you! _