Properly Crediting Sources According to APA Style PSY 614 Dr. Emily Bullock Yowell
When to Cite? The Basics Place your contribution in context by citing the researchers who influenced you. They may have: Provided key background information Support of dispute your idea Offer critical definitions and data Provide documentation for all the facts and figures that are not common knowledge (i.e., you got this from somewhere) Citation of a source implies that you have personally read the cited work
Plagiarism Representing the work of another as if it were your own work If you did not create it or would not have known it without information from others, cite it! Not knowing the rules for properly citing is not an acceptable excuse Self Plagiarism Presenting one’s own previously published work as new scholarship How does this apply to course papers? Common sense rules must be used to judge when use of one’s own work is too extensive (see pg. 16 of APA Manual 6th edition)
Quoting Information reproduced word for word from previously published material Direct quotes must be accurate (exceptions to that covered on p. 172-173 of APA manual) When quoting, always provide the author, year, and specific page citation or paragraph number Quote with 40 words or less: incorporate into text and enclose the quotation with double quotation marks Quote with more than 40 words: display in a freestanding block of text and omit quotation marks
Referencing Each reference cited in text must appear in the reference list and vise versa (always double check this before turning in your work) In text referencing: Always includes author(s) last name and year of publication (quotations also require page #’s) Et al.-Used when citing a work with more than 2 authors for a subsequent time (see pg. 175 of APA manual for citation of multiple authors)
In text Referencing-How does it look? Salters (2008) noted that no child should be… In 2008, Salters noted that no child should be… Experts have stated that no child should be… (Salters, 2008) Salters stated “there is not a child that should…” (2008, p. 235) Rule of thumb: There should rarely be a paragraph in your papers that does not have an in-text citation. If there is not a citation in one of your paragraphs, say to yourself ,“did I create all the information in this paragraph?”
Special Cases of In-Text Citing Works with no identified author Cite in text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and year. Use double quotes around the title used in the citation Ex: (“Current Psychotherapies”, 2004) Secondary Sources: use sparingly and see citation details on pg. 178 of APA Manual Personal Communication: Because they represented non-recoverable data they are not included in the reference list; So, cite in-text only ex. (J. Y. Rugerio, personal communication, December 12, 2008)
The Reference List Alphabetical order by author’s last name Components: Author and Editor Information Publication Date Title Capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle only (unless proper nouns are in the title) Publication Information Periodicals: journal name, volume, issue, and pg #’s Non Periodicals (i.e., books): give the city and state of publisher’s location; publisher name Electronic locator information If DOI number is provided, no further citation information is necessary, doi:10.1037/0278-6133.27.3.379 No DOI, provide the home page URL,