Militia and Right to Bear Arms The 2nd Amendment Militia and Right to Bear Arms
The Second Amendment “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Rights guaranteed- privately operated militias and private ownership of weapons.
United States Weapons Laws The Brady Bill requires a background check and waiting period for purchases of firearms The decision of how many concealed weapons a person may carry is a state issue. Assault weapons ban from 1994-2004. Congress voted not to re-instate the ban. Currently, the Senate is looking at a bill that is similar to the Brady Bill that would ban 157 specific firearms, along with any that meet the definition of “assault weapons”
California Gun Laws No more than 1 handgun can be purchased by one person in a 30 day period. Restrictions on the sale of all semi-automatic weapons with military features and all assault weapons. Police can issue permits for carrying concealed weapons (handguns) in public. Those with a permit can carry them on school grounds. Not everyone is entitled to a concealed weapons permit.
CA laws con’t. City laws are allowed to be stricter than state laws No “Saturday Night Specials”- or restrictions on junk handguns (cheap guns that are often poorly made) Safety issues: Owners are responsible if gun is left accessible to kids who use it to harm others. All guns must come with a safety device. Must be 21 to purchase a handgun, 18 for rifles or other firearms.
People can… Sue gun manufacturers if their product was used in a crime.
Purchasing requirements 10 day waiting period Background check (federal and state) Buyers must have a handgun safety certificate (license) to purchase. Must pass a written safety test and hands on demonstration.