Dalkeith High School Daily Bulletin Monday 01 October 2018 #DeterminedHappySuccessful
Show Auditions! If you auditioned last week, please attend a meeting at lunch today in Music to find out about recalls. Recall workshops will be tomorrow after school. If you can’t attend, please see Miss Mairs ASAP for song information. Miss Wood
Senior Choir A reminder that senior choir starts today at lunchtime. All S4-S6 welcome. Miss Mairs
Soak the Teacher! Thursday at lunchtime. £1 for one throw or £2 for three throws to soak Mr McGlade, Mr Cartwright, Mr Duncan, Miss Wood, Miss Mairs or Miss Gaughan! Don’t miss your opportunity! Miss Wood
Battle of the Bands Next Thursday 11th October! Get your tickets now - £3 for pupils and £5 for adults. Miss Mairs
Guess the Bear’s Birthday! Every lunchtime in the dining hall this week. £1 a guess and the chance to win and take him home in time for the October break! Miss Wood
Drama Events this week! Thursday 4 October 5.30pm – AH performances 7pm – N5 & H performances All free to attend Miss Wood
Daily Bulletins These messages are posted on our website under News/Daily Bulletins and also posted on Twitter @official_DHS