Idaho Legislative Session 2018 k-12 Education perspective Katharine McPherson, CPA Lewiston School District. Region II IASBO Board Representative
Background Information For the past several years, our district has: Met with our local Senator and Representatives prior to the session. Watched the germane committees closely Education Revenue and Taxation Joint Finance Sent a weekly commentary on specific bills affecting education to local legislators. This year IASBO asked me to serve as a sort of legislative liason during the session. Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.
Websites and Resources Spokesman Review (Spokane newspaper) political blogger, Betsy Russell’s Eye on Boise Education News ISBA Capitol Notes
Elections Bills SB1280 Move Trustee Elections to November of odd years (State Affairs) HB600 Educate vs Advocate (State Affairs) HB487 Bond and Levy Elections restriction on re- running after failure. (State Affairs) Now HB639 only related to bonds H560 Bond Election Disclosure of Cost (Rev & Tax) Now HB626 no significant changes. Moved from tax code to elections code. Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.
Miscellaneous Bills HB566 Charter School Administrators HB580 Removes Sunset Provision 33-507 (spouse of board member) HB590 Guided Education Management (GEM) scholarships for disadvantaged to use in private schools. “Voucher” Bill. HB611 Agendas for Open Meetings
Budget Proposals Governor Superintendent JFAC No increase in Discretionary Funding Large increases in line items (Technology, Literacy) Superintendent Additional Salary Apportionment for Classified 3% Increase in Discretionary Funding JFAC 4th Year of Career Ladder 3% Increase Apportionment Classified and Administrators 2.74% Increase in Discretionary Funding Objectives for instruction and expected results and/or skills developed from learning.
Transportation Funding What were the goals? 85% reimbursement for all allowable expenses Any loss of funding restored through redistribution formula Commitment to work toward restoration of $7.5m lost during recession Reporting and auditing rules Where are we now? S1304 May not move forward this year SDE has agreed to discuss our concerns about reporting and auditing and work toward solutions ISBA is on board with working on the $7.5m Relative vocabulary list.
Conclusion So far, there are a lot of positives for K-12 Education Highest priorities were funded despite tax reductions Some of our biggest concerns related to changes in election laws IASBO has been heard on important issues and has partnered with other stakeholders Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.
Questions/Discussions Any bill that I haven’t discussed? Any topics that we want to work on next year? Suggestions for representing you better. My contact information: Kathy McPherson An opportunity for questions and discussions.