The reformation in england King Henry VIII wanted to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Why? He thought she could not give him a male heir Catherine of Aragon did have a daughter: Mary. The pope was unwilling to annul their marriage.
So Henry turned to England’s church courts. He then married Anne Boleyn She gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth
In 1534 the “Reformation” Parliament severed the pope’s from the English Church. The Act of Supremacy ruled the King was the supreme head of the new Church of England Thomas More famously opposed the King and the Act of Supremacy and was therefore beheaded. He’s known for writing Utopia, describing an ideal society. Why did he oppose the King? He believed religious authority should be in the hands of religious leaders and the supreme authority of the Church should be the pope.
Henry VIII cont. Jane Seymour Gave birth to Edward, but he was a sickly youth. Edward became king after his father died. As ruler, he opposed Catholicism. After Edward died in 1553, Mary became queen.
Queen Mary Wanted to return England to Catholicism, so she persecuted Protestants. Her actions, had the opposite affect. Mary ruled for five years until her own death. She is called “Bloody Mary” because she had 300 Protestants burned as heretics. When Mary was 6, she was betrothed to her cousin, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (22 years old at the time). 1519= Charles V Holy Roman Emperor Mary supported Catholic church (the church that refused to annul her parents marriage).
Queen mary By the end of her reign, England was more Protestant than ever. Elizabeth I succeeded Mary and made England a Protestant nation once again.
Henry viii Catherine of Aragon--divorced Anne Boleyn--beheaded Mary Anne Boleyn--beheaded Elizabeth Jane Seymour--died Edward Anne of Cleves--divorced Katherine Howard--beheaded Katherine Parr--survived
Catherine of aragon: Divorced
Anne Boleyn: Beheaded
Jane Seymour: Died
Anne of cleves: Divorced
Katherine howard: Beheaded
Katherine parr: Survived