Inferred tree for species in the genus Solanum (S. ) labeled with HRFs


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Inferred tree for species in the genus Solanum (S. ) labeled with HRFs Inferred tree for species in the genus Solanum (S.) labeled with HRFs. The species tree (with branch lengths in units of 2N generations) was inferred by using gene trees from ref. 16; see Methods for details. Inferred tree for species in the genus Solanum (S.) labeled with HRFs. The species tree (with branch lengths in units of 2N generations) was inferred by using gene trees from ref. 16; see Methods for details. HRFs were calculated for all internal branches assuming μ = 0.01 per 2N generations. Values represent the proportion of incongruent traits associated with branch that are due to hemiplasy, so that HRF = 0 means no hemiplasy and HRF = 1 means all patterns due to hemiplasy. Rafael F. Guerrero, and Matthew W. Hahn PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1811268115 ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences