Shot sizes
Extreme Long Shot (ELS) Used to establish the “geography” and set the scene for the viewer
Long Shot (LS) The long shot takes in the whole height of the person. It doesn't show as much background as the ELS but it does show enough to know the subject's location
Mid Shot (MS) The mid shot cuts off at the waist. It is a good shot to introduce people to your audience. You get a good image of the subject and their surroundings.
Close Up (CU) You can see the look of concentration in a shot that is "full face". It helps to focus attention and emphasise importance
Extreme Close Up (ECU) Very intimate shot. Great in dramatic moments
High Angle A high angle shot makes the subject look weak or child like.
Low Angle A low angle shot makes the subject look powerful.
Over-the-shoulder-shot (OTS) This shot helps to establish the positions of each person and is used in a lot of interviews.
Point-of-view shot (POV) This is a shot that shows what a character is seeing, as if you are looking through their eyes.
180 degree rule