Registry Curation Challenges THE US NATIONAL VIRTUAL OBSERVATORY Registry Curation Challenges Bob Hanisch US NVO Project Interop2004 Registry Working Group 2004-05-26
Interop2004 Registry Working Group Why Do We Need Curation? Resource metadata are not equally well understood by data and service providers Registry interfaces have varying levels of sophistication, providing more or less guidance in creating metadata Some metadata is not immediately available—requires astronomical experience to characterize resource properly Automated metadata population incomplete Poor quality of metadata in registry will undermine its value Interop2004 Registry Working Group 2004-05-26
Interop2004 Registry Working Group Curation Examples NVO Registry Query: CHANMAST UIT (MAST) Hubble UDF Vizier tables Interop2004 Registry Working Group 2004-05-26
Interop2004 Registry Working Group CHANMAST from HEASARC Confusing name Not a well-formed identifier Ambiguous No instrument name ??? No facility name Interop2004 Registry Working Group 2004-05-26
Interop2004 Registry Working Group UIT from MAST Vague Wrong Unspecified Wrong interpretation of Facility Interop2004 Registry Working Group 2004-05-26
Interop2004 Registry Working Group UDF from STScI Poor choices No Not useful Interop2004 Registry Working Group 2004-05-26
Interop2004 Registry Working Group Vizier tables from CDS Mix of Title and Creator content Useful? Not proper identifier Buried in Title Better label if simulation? Missing Interop2004 Registry Working Group 2004-05-26
Interop2004 Registry Working Group Registry Maintenance Harvesting Frequency Reliability Curation control Replication and redirection Authority Interop2004 Registry Working Group 2004-05-26