Writer’s Notebook ideas: Or use a topic from the December bingo sheet Monday, December 5th, 2011 Objectives: Essential Questions: Writer’s Notebook ideas: Comic strips – what’s your favorite? Draw a comic strip showing your favorite Christmas memory or experience. Or use a topic from the December bingo sheet
Monday, December 5th, 2010 ~ English Agenda WN – Comic strips – what’s your favorite? Draw a comic strip showing your favorite Christmas memory or experience. Presentation of Inferences on your Driving Test! Inferencing strategies - Comic Strips – Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes Complete Call of the Wild together in class 12/8/2018
Monday, December 5th, 2010 ~ English Agenda Complete The Pearl with a partner in class What is not completed is considered homework and DUE on Wednesday TEST next week over “Raymond’s Run and Inferencing Strategies *PreAP classes – meet with Reading Groups last 15 minutes of class 12/8/2018
WN: Use a topic from the December bingo sheet Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 Objectives: Essential question: WN: Use a topic from the December bingo sheet
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 Agenda WN – Use a topic from the December bingo sheet Library Day! This is your last library day before the AR deadline – make it count! AR DEADLINE is THIS FRIDAY! PreAP meet with lit. groups 12/8/2018
Writer’s Notebooks ideas: Or use a topic from December bingo sheet Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 Objectives: Essential questions: Writer’s Notebooks ideas: What happened on this day in American History? How important are collective memories to a community? Why? Or use a topic from December bingo sheet
Wednesday, December 7th, 2011 Agenda WN:What happened on this day in American History? How important are collective memories to a community? Review The Pearl passage for inferred information – turn in today Review of Inferring strategies – Concrete Angel video (handout) Turn in completed assignment TODAY 12/8/2018
Writer’s Notebooks ideas: Use a topic from the December bingo sheet Thursday, December 8th, 2011 Objectives: Essential questions: Writer’s Notebooks ideas: Use a topic from the December bingo sheet
Thursday, December 8th, 2011 WN: Choose your own topic from the December Bingo sheet Allusions in “Raymond’s Run” and Review for test next week Inferences in Sherlock Holmes movie BrainPop lesson – bring your headphones to class!
Writer’s Notebook ideas: Use a topic from the December bingo sheet Friday, December 9th, 2011 Objectives: Essential Questions: Writer’s Notebook ideas: Use a topic from the December bingo sheet
Friday, December 9th, 2011 Agenda WN – Choose a topic from the December Bingo sheet Lesson on BrainPop – bring your headphones with you to class! Review for test on Tuesday-“Raymond’s Run” and Inferencing English Binder and WN check AR DEADLINE – read if you have not met your goals! PreAP – Meet with your group today – discussion required and must turn in forms to your group folder. Must take AR test over your book, as well as Lit Skills and Vocabulary tests. 12/8/2018
Monday, December 12th, 2011 Objective - Assessment Writer’s Notebook ideas: What do you do if/when you get a gift or present that you DO NOT like? How about one you do like? In other words, what are your reactions when you open presents?
Monday, December 12th, 2011 Agenda Setting Project Due – present to class Review for TEST TOMORROW – over “Raymond’s Run” and Inferring Check the semester test schedule and be sure you know when you are taking your tests! Clean out class files - keep all written work in the file, but collect all old tests to use with study guide 12/8/2018
Writer’s Notebook idea: Respond to the following quote: Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 Writer’s Notebook idea: Respond to the following quote: Reading furnishes the mind only with materials for knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. ~ John Locke ~ 12/8/2018
Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 Agenda Library as needed TEST Today over “Raymond’s Run” and Inferring strategies Pick up study guide for Semester Test Check for new AR deadline and goals this week 12/8/2018
Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 WN – Topic from December bingo sheet Return tests from yesterday Continue to work on study guide Due tomorrow
Thursday, December 15th, 2011 Agenda Complete your semester test study guide due by today Collect all of your study materials – old tests included. 7th and 8th period REVIEW for semester test TODAY! Check the semester test schedule for times! 12/8/2018
Friday, December 16th, 2011 Be sure to write in your Writer’s Notebook over Christmas – notice and record things that happen! 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th REVIEW game for Semester Test today 7th period –Semester test today from 12:15 to 1:45 pm 8th period – Semester test today from 1:50 – 3:20 pm 12/8/2018
Monday, December 19th, 2011 Semester Testing Schedule 8:00-8:45 – 1st period study time 8:50-10:20 -- 1st period 10:25-11:55 – 3rd period 11:55-12:25 – Lunch 12:25-12:55 – 5th period study time 1:00 – 2:30 – 5th period 12/8/2018
Tuesday, December 20th, 2011 Semester Testing Schedule 8:00-8:45 – 2nd period study time 8:50-10:20 -- 2nd period 10:25-11:55 – 4th period 11:55-12:25 – Lunch 12:25-12:55 – 6th period study time 1:00 – 2:30 – 6th period 12/8/2018
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Please have a safe and joyous holiday season. Enjoy your time away from school and the break from all this work! I am already getting excited about what all we have in store for us in 2012! See ya next year Mrs. Hull 12/8/2018