Page 58 Language in Context
When Mr. and Mrs. Jones got home, their home had been so filthy. When Mr. and Mrs. Jones got home, A child had painted on the wall. When Mr. and Mrs. Jones got home, the kitchen had been a mess.
People saw a man in dark pants in Erika’s house It could be a ghost They saw a bright glow from some bushes They could be meteorites
Yes, I have. Yes, I heard that a UFO was seen in the sky. Yes, I have seen a lot.
New Vocabulary
1. A crowd had gathered around a weird object. 2. Steve thought the object could be a satellite. 3. At first Greg thought it might be a weather balloon. But then he changed his mind and thought it must be a communications satellite.
All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018 Prepared by. Khalid S. A. Al Shahrani All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018