Superimposition of ARPEGE analysis : Jet, Budapest storm 20.08.2006. Superimposition of ARPEGE analysis : Jet, height of the dynamical tropopause (Z_1.5 PVU surface), wet-bulb potential Temperature at 850 hPa with West-East cross section (France-Hungary) Patrick Santurette (Meteo-France)
ECMWF geopot. height on 2PVU Jet, Z_1.5 PVU (dam, < 975 dam), ’w_850 hPa 2006.08.20. RGB airmass ECMWF geopot. height on 2PVU Radar data cross section: PV, ’w, Vertical Velocity (descending, ascending)
Vertical Velocity (descending, ascending) Jet, Z_1.5 PVU (dam, < 975 dam), ’w_850 hPa cross section: PV, ’w, Vertical Velocity (descending, ascending)
Vertical Velocity (descending, ascending) Notice: Increasing of the jet (ap-pearance of the very light blue color) Coupling between low-level warm and moist air and tropopause anomaly increasing of the tropopause perturbation (of the slope of the 1.5 PVU surface) Increasing of the vertical velocity linked to the PV anomaly Jet, Z_1.5 PVU (dam, < 975 dam), ’w_850 hPa cross section: PV, ’w, Vertical Velocity (descending, ascending)
Vertical Velocity (descending, ascending) Jet, Z_1.5 PVU (dam, < 975 dam), ’w_850 hPa cross section: PV, ’w, Vertical Velocity (descending, ascending)