Remove Na from sea water and Food digestion Chelating Resin SPE (DigiSEP Blue) MRT SPE (DigiSEP Cr-01, or Cr-02)
Remove Na from seawater and Food Sample (Seawater) Sample solution mast be adjust pH at 5-6 with ammonium acetate. Ammonium acetate conc should be 0.1M. Pb, Cd, Cr(3) etc DigiSEP Blue Elute metal with 2M nitric acid Metal ++ Ion Please read my last e-mail key points and SCPS catalogue. Na+, Cl- Metal ++ Ion
Remove Na from seawater and Food Sample solution mast be diluted by water 2-5 times. All sample pH is acceptable. Sample (Seawater) Cr (6) Elute metal with 0.03M EDTA DigiSEP Cr-01 Cr(6) Cr (6) ion Please read my last e-mail key points and SCPS catalogue. Na+, Cl-
Remove Na from seawater and Food Sample solution mast be diluted by water 2-5 times. All sample pH is acceptable. Sample (Seawater) Cr (6) Elute metal with 5M nitric acid DigiSEP Cr-02 Cr(6) Cr (6) ion Please read my last e-mail key points and SCPS catalogue. Na+, Cl-