dismiss Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word in the selection is dismiss. Say it with me: dismiss. Dismiss means “to allow to go.” I will dismiss the class when the bell rings. 2. En español, to dismiss quiere decir “dejar ir, mandar a retirarse.” Dejaré ir a la clase cuando suene el timbre. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word dismiss. (Point to the children leaving school.) These students have been dismissed from school. They are allowed to leave school and go home. MOVEMENT 4. Let’s practice being dismissed. I will say, “I dismiss you.” Stand up quietly and line up at the door, just as we do when it is time for class to be dismissed. (Say, “I dismiss you.”) 5. Now it’s your turn. Work with a partner. Take turns saying, “I dismiss you from your seat.” The person being dismissed should get up from his or her seat and stand next to it. 6. Now let’s say dismiss together three more times: dismiss, dismiss, dismiss. dismiss
interact Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word in the selection is interact. Say it with me: interact. When you interact, you work, play, talk, or do activities with other people. At school, you interact with other students. 2. En español, to interact quiere decir “hacer actividades con otras personas, interactuar.” Cuando trabajas, hablas o juegas con otros estudiantes, estás interactuando con ellos. 3. To interact in English and interactuar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word interact. (Point to the teacher and student.) This teacher is interacting with her student. They are working together on the computer. PARTNER TALK 5. What are some places where you interact with other people your age? Make a list with your partner. Then share your list with the class. (Examples include: school, clubs, parks, teams, after-school activities) 6. With your partner, pick one of the places you listed above. What are some ways you interact with others in this place? Share your ideas with the class. 7. Now let’s say interact together three more times: interact, interact, interact. interact
motivate Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word in the selection is motivate. Say it with me: motivate. Motivate means “to give a reason for action.” Wanting to have time to watch your favorite television show might motivate you to do your homework as soon as you get home from school. 2. En español, to motivate quiere decir “dar razones o motivos para actuar, motivar.” El querer ver tu programa de televisión preferido te podría motivar a hacer las tareas apenas llegues a la casa. 3. To motivate in English and motivar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word motivate. (Point to the cheerleaders.) Cheerleaders motivate their team. They use cheers, songs, and dances to encourage their team to do its best. They also motivate the crowd to get excited about the game and cheer for the players. 5. With your partner, write a cheer that would motivate one of your school’s teams. Make sure your cheer tells the team what you want it to do, such as score a goal. Share your cheer with the class. 6. Have your partner tell you something he or she would like to do. Say something that will motivate your partner to achieve this goal. Then switch roles. 7. Now let’s say motivate together three more times: motivate, motivate, motivate. motivate
conceived Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word in the selection is conceived. Say it with me: conceived. Conceived means “to think of an idea or form a plan.” The club conceived a great idea for a service project. The plan they thought of will really help the community. 2. En español, to conceive quiere decir “pensar en una idea o formar un plan, concebir.” El club concibió una buena idea para ayudar a la comunidad. 3. To conceive in English and concebir in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word conceived. (Point to the student.) The students conceived an idea of what they thought would happen when they mixed the two liquids. Then they tested their idea to see if they were right. PARTNER TALK 5. When you’ve had a writing assignment, what are some ways you’ve conceived ideas? With a partner, make a list of things you’ve done, such as looking in your writing journal. Keep a copy of the list so that you can look at it the next time you have to conceive something to write about. 6. With your partner, conceive an idea for a new invention. Share the idea you conceived with the class. 7. Now let’s say conceived together three more times: conceived, conceived, conceived. conceived
definition Key Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word in the selection is definition. Say it with me: definition. A definition gives the meaning of a word. If I don’t know the meaning of a word, I look up its definition in a dictionary. 2. En español, definition quiere decir “lo que quiere decir una palabra, significado, definición.” Si no sé la definición de una palabra, la busco en el diccionario. 3. Definition in English and definición in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word definition. (Point to the girl looking at a dictionary.) This girl is using a dictionary to look up the definition of the word education. The definition tells what the word education means. PARTNER TALK 5. With a partner, look through one of you textbooks and find three words you don’t know. Then look in a dictionary or glossary to find the definitions. Share the words and definitions with the class. 6. Choose a word that describes you. Write a definition for the word. Then share the word and its definition with your partner. Tell why the word you chose describes you. 7. Now let’s say definition together three more times: definition, definition, definition. definition
to bring attention to Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK 1. To bring attention to something is to make people notice it or be aware of it. Say it with me: to bring attention to. We have announcements at school to bring attention to school news and events. 2. En español, to bring attention to quiere decir “llamar la atención hacia algo.” Los anuncios de la escuela buscan llamar la atencion hacia noticias y eventos escolares. 3. This sign brings attention to a possible danger. The word Danger in a red circle gets people’s attention and makes them aware that there are power lines that should not be touched. PARTNER TALK 4. With your partner, make a list of signs you often see in our community, such as stop signs. Tell what each sign brings attention to. Share your list with the class. 5. Now work with your partner to create a sign that brings attention to one of our school safety rules. Make your sign clear and bright to bring people’s attention to the rule. Share your sign with the class. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: to bring attention to, to bring attention to, to bring attention to. to bring attention to
to be the best Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK 1. To be the best means “to do something better than anyone or anything else.” Say it with me: to be the best. If you are the best on your soccer team, no one plays soccer better than you. 2. En español, to be the best quiere decir “ser el mejor.” Si eres el mejor del equipo de fútbol, no hay quien te gane. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase to be the best. These boys have just won a championship soccer game. They are the winners, the best players in the competition. The players have a trophy that shows that they are the best team in the game. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I am going to name some things. If the thing I name shows that someone is the best at something, say the phrase to be the best. If not, don’t say anything. a gold medal at the Olympics the fastest time in a race winning third prize in a drawing contest winning the state championship in a sport losing a game by one point 5. What are some things you would like to be the best at? (Call on a few students to respond.) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: to be the best, to be the best, to be the best. to be the best
hope for the future Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK 1. If you hope for the future, you want the future, or the time ahead, to be happy and successful. Say it with me: hope for the future. Parents have hope for the future for their children. 2. En español, hope for the future quiere decir “esperar un futuro mejor.” Los padres esperan un futuro mejor para sus hijos. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase hope for the future. The boy is carefully doing his schoolwork. He has hope for the future to be full of opportunities and good things because he has worked so hard. PARTNER TALK 4. What do you hope for the future to be like? Tell your hopes to a partner. 5. What can you do to make your hopes for the future come true? Share your ideas with your partner. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: hope for the future, hope for the future, hope for the future. hope for the future
from that day forward Function Words & Phrases Unit 3 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK 1. From that day forward means “beginning on a certain day and continuing into the future.” Say it with me: from that day forward. On their wedding day, people promise to love and respect each other from that day forward. 2. En español, from that day forward quiere decir “desde ese día en adelante.” En el día de su boda, las parejas prometen amar y respetarse desde ese día en adelante. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase from that day forward. These students graduated from college last year. From that day forward, they began their new life as adults. PARTNER TALK 4. When a new year begins, people make resolutions, or set goals for themselves. Pretend it is January 1. Tell a partner one resolution you would make for the new year. Say: From this day forward, I will ____________. 5. Tell your partner about meeting someone or doing something that changed your life. Explain how your life was different from that day forward. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: From that day forward, from that day forward, from that day forward. from that day forward
high school Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. high school
board Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. board
supplies Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. supplies
example Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. example
attention Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. attention
success Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. success
Basic Words Unit 3 ● Week 3 ROUTINE Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.