Please check purple folders and initial planners each night. Johnson and Jump Journal Week of October 1-5 a Please check purple folders and initial planners each night. Math Students will review Unit 3 and have a test on Unit 3 on Wednesday. Students will take their 9 weeks math test on Thursday and Friday. The students will have a facts quiz on Friday on subtraction facts. This test will go in the gradebook. Please practice subtraction facts at home. Science/Social Studies Reading Science – Leonardo da Vinci and his study of flight and inventions/Testing the Motion of Vehicles Social Studies-national landmarks, the Constitution, government Unit 2 week 3: EQ: How do people make government work? Genre: expository text, Comprehension: reread, author’s point of view, Vocabulary :prefixes, Grammar: special nouns, Writing: ideas Vocabulary Words: announced, candidates, convince, decisions, elect, estimate, government, independent Spelling words: wrap, wrists, wrote, wreck, wring, write, wreath, knit, knife, knight, knock, knee, gnome, sign, gnaws Dates to Remember Fall Break Oct 15-19 Oct 25 – Field Trip to Cathedral Caverns