The French Empire & Spread of Revolutionary principles The French Empire at its height in 1811 consisted of French ruled territories as well as dependent states ruled primarily by Napoleon’s relatives. There were also allied states such as Russia, Austria, and Prussia which remained sovereign. France itself now also included Belgium, Holland, the west bank of the Rhine, and ports on the Baltic and western Italian coasts. Rome was also governed as part of France. Dependent states included the Grand Duchy of Poland, the Swiss Republic, and the German Confederation of the Rhine. Practically no part of Europe, except Norway and Sweden, was not under some kind of obligation to France
Family Ties Napoleon’s family members received many considerations from the Emperor. His brothers were enthroned as kings in Naples, Spain, Holland, Westphalia, and his sister and brother-in-law also were monarchs of kingdoms or duchies. Napoleon was also King of Italy, although his stepson, Eugene Beaunharis was the actual ruler as viceroy.
Ch Ch Ch Changes In each of the dependent states the French tried to reorganize the governments and laws to reflect the values of the revolution. Reform was promulgated by Napoleon to reflect this. Conquest, followed by occupation by French troops, led to the creation of a native government under French authority. These governments generally followed through with the following: Written constitutions The Napoleonic Civil Code Legal Equality
Ch ch… you know Opening careers to all talented persons Destroying all traces and remnants of the feudal system Note that in Eastern areas while serfs were freed, some dues remained payable to former masters Two dependent areas were not able to consolidate these reforms: Poland and Spain The churches lost all political rights as well as the tithe (or tenth tax) which reduced church income. This affected established Catholic and Protestant churches.
Ch… you know even more Religious toleration became the law of all these areas and included non-Christians and non-believers. Again, in Poland and Spain these reforms were either not attempted or failed Economics: Guilds lost their power or were abolished. Individuals gained the right to enter and work in any trade they chose. Towns and provinces lost their traditional liberties and were incorporated more fully into the concept of nation. Internal tolls and tariffs were abolished
Ch.. The metric system was established replacing hundreds of different systems of local and traditional weights and measures. This was definitely a plus for trade and production Government tax bureaus were set up with a single land tax replacing the various and sundry other taxes that had been imposed. Government bureaucracies replaced informal governing structures and government employees salaries were sufficient to reduce corruption or at least discourage it.
C… In most countries and areas affected, Napoleon was able to rely on numerous supporters, noble and bourgeois, to implement these liberal and rationalizing reforms. Modernization and reform was presented and implemented without the violence and upheaval that had accompanied it in France Many Europeans admired Napoleon for these accomplishments, although over time French tutelage became onerous for most. French influence was most deeply imbued in Northern Italy and southern Germany