Important Policies and Procedures Make sure you have signed up online for BWE email blasts on the BWE website. Please sign in at the front office each time you come to school. Please register online on the CMS website to be a volunteer (must do this every year). Send a written note with your child if there is a change in their afternoon transportation and email the office that day (preferably by 12).
Birthday Celebrations Food sent to school for birthdays should be shared at lunch (11:00-11:30 is our lunch time). Food shared for birthdays must be store- bought. Your child is welcome to choose 1 friend to join them for lunch on the stage.
Daily Schedule 7:25 Getting Settled 7:45 Word Study 8:00 Reading Block 9:15 Math 10:30 1st Recess 11:00 Lunch 11:30 Daily 5 12:00 Writing 12:45 Specials (A Day-PE and B-Media) 1:25 2nd Recess 1:45 Integrated Studies 2:45 Dismissal
3rd Grade Curriculum
Literacy: Reading Reading Workshop-framework Daily Five/CAFE-literacy centers Author Studies Novel Units Non-fiction Pieces: Time for Kids Social Studies Weekly Other: Plays, Classic Literature, Poetry discuss quantity of books per level. We need to get this from Ricks, Daily Five is a classroom organization system which allows students to work on reading and writing and allow teacher to work one on one or in small group, Comp Tool K Discuss weekly HW of written response (question copied on M and due in agenda by F)
Literacy: Writing Narrative, Persuasive, and Informative Writing Mentor Texts Word Study/Grammar/Spelling Writing is often integrated into the subject areas Word Work/Daily Five
Social Studies Qualities of Good Citizenship Basic Structure of Local/National Government Basic Map Skills/Landforms Biographies Basic Principles of Economics Assessments will always be open book
Science 1st Quarter: The Scientific Method, Matter and Energy 2nd Quarter: Forces of Motion 3rd Quarter: Solar System 4th Quarter: Living Organisms *STEM Fridays! Projects that integrate science, technology, engineering and math *EIE Program (Elementary is Engineering) In-depth science exploration over a longer period of time Open book assessments
Math Number sense 0 - 1,000 Addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers Multiplication and Division Time (Elapsed time) Metric length, capacity and mass Area Geometry Fractions Graphing explain how math groups work- students are given a pretest at the beginning of each quarter, based on student performance students will be grouped across the grade level, may change from unit to unit, HW on Tuesdays
Grading Scale A = 100% - 90% B = 89% - 80% C = 79% - 70% D = 69% - 60% F = 59% or below *Formal: end of unit tests, projects -students must retake assessment if they initially scored below 79%, but final score remains a 79% even if second attempt exceeds this * Informal-quizzes, classwork -Students may choose up to 3 assignments per quarter to redo, earning a maximum of 79% We take about 1 grade a week. Half are formal and half are informal. Writing and reading are together in literacy.
Assessments Beginning-of-Grade (BOG) test was on Wednesday. This was a reading assessment where children read a few passages and answered questions about them. This just gives us information about what students already know. TRC assessments are running records. These are given to help us learn more about your child as a reader. They are given 3 times a year. MAP assessments are given for diagnostic purposes only. Reports guide our teaching. Assessments are given three times this year in Language Arts and Math. End-of-Grade (EOG) tests in Reading and Math will be given at the end of May.
Read to Achieve According to NC Read to Achieve law students need to pass one of four assessments to be proficient in third grade reading. Score a 3 or higher on the BOG Score a P or higher on the TRC Score a 207 or higher on the MAP reading assessment Score a 3 or higher on the EOG
Character Education We strive to create a school culture of character education with a focus on respect for diversity. We strive to show good character by displaying acts of kindness throughout each school day. As students display kindness, they will earn “kindness tickets” and once 100 kindness tickets have been collected, the class will support a local charity or organization. The students will decide on what they would like to donate as a class and to what organization.
Paideia We will implement the Paideia philosophy using its components: didactic teaching, coached projects and seminars throughout the year. This helps students form their own opinions, support them using viable arguments and engage in sophisticated conversations. We will have a school-wide seminar on Oct. 18th involving a self-reflection through the art of writing. (more info. to follow)
Communication Read bi-weekly e-blast about what your student is learning. The e-blast will always have our class website url in the teacher signature. Communication Pockets: This will come home every Thursday. Please sign and return. Data Notebook: This will also come home every Thursday. Inside you will find all of your child’s graded papers. Agenda: Please initial daily confirming that you read with your child and are aware of their behavior report.
Materials Needed! We need your help! STEM Project: Can You Save Fred! Gummy worms Gummy lifesavers Small plastic cups Please initial on the back table if you can supply this item for next week! Thank you!
Breakout! We would like four toolboxes that can be locked multiple times..
LOCKS-4 of each type! We need your help! STEM
Thank you, and have a great night! Questions??? Thank you, and have a great night!