Multiplication of decimals Saturday, December 08, 2018 Decimals Multiplication of decimals
Solve each of the following (a) . 1 9 Example Solve each of the following (a) . 1 9 x 8 (b) 4 . 2 6 x 7 (c) 1 . 4 9 x 6 Example Work out (a) 5.2 x 16 (b) 6.9 x 12 (c) 49.3 x 15 (d) 2.84 x 27
Example Chris earns £7.05 per hour. If he works 35 hours in a week, how much will he earn for the week?
Example A factory pays workers £5.80 per hour basic, plus £8.35 per hour overtime. If Alan works 35 hours for a basic week and 5 hours on overtime, what is his weekly salary?
Multiplying by powers of 10 To multiply by 10 move the decimal point one place to the right. Example Work out each of the following 8.532 x 10 0.083 x 10 11.76 x 10
To multiply by 100 move the decimal point two place to the right. Example Work out each of the following 8.648 x 100 0.083 x 100 13.4872 x 100 9.7 x 100
To multiply by 1000 move the decimal point three place to the right. Example Work out each of the following 9.7584 x 1000 0.00184 x 1000 13.4872 x 1000 6.2 x 1000