“Therefore take heed how you hear” Luke 8:18 Hearing God’s Word “Therefore take heed how you hear” Luke 8:18
1. God’s Word Can Make Us Sad Mark 10:17-22 The young man was sad and went away sorrowful because eternal life cost him more than he was willing to pay. Is there anything we love more than our soul (Matt. 16:25-26)?
2. God’s Word Can Make Us Mad Acts 7:51-58 John 3:19-21 – God’s word convicts men of their sins. James 1:21 – we must receive the word of God with meekness.
2. God’s Word Can Make Us Mad Acts 7:51-58 John 3:19-21 – God’s word convicts men of their sins. James 1:21 – we must receive the word of God with meekness. Meekness is translated from prautes which is defined as “an inwrought grace of the soul; and the exercises of it are first and chiefly towards God. It is that temper of spirit in which we accept His dealings with us as good, and therefore without disputing or resisting” (Vine’s).
3. God’s Word Can Make Us Glad Acts 2:36-41 Acts 8:5-8 – Samarians responded in joy. Acts 16:30-34 – Philippian jailer rejoiced. 1 Thess. 2:13 – the Thessalonians received and welcomed the word. Gladly receiving the word means one responds to it in faith and obedience.