Welcome This PowerPoint is meant to accompany the DVD: Math Words In Motion by Bill Atwood Here are the complete lists of math words that appear on the DVD. Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Organization There are approximately 274 words 3 word lists for K-2 (114 words) 3 word lists for 3-5 (99 words but only 75 new words) 3 word lists for 6-7 (85 words but only 54 new words) 1 word list for grade 8 and beyond (36 words but only 31 new words) Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
How to Start Explain to your class why adding a gesture or picture of a math word helps memory Watch the video Practice the motions with your class Use the motions as a reminder when solving problems Play games like Charades, Simon Says, or do brief warm up with the words Quiz students on the words; challenge them to see how many they can remember, draw, or use in word problems Take photos of students acting out the words, and post the photos on a word wall Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Kindergarten – Grade 2 Word List: Measurement and Data meter milligram quarter past title yard 2 liter months key foot gallon week, day pictograph inch liter money line plot ½ inch quart dollar $ spread out data centimeter pint coin millimeter cup penny pound cent ¢ kilogram milliliter nickel estimate temperature dime approximate Fahrenheit quarter ounce 12:00 tally mark gram 12:15, 12:30 bar graph Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Kindergarten – Grade 2 Word List: Operations and Algebraic Thinking and Number Base Ten number pattern show numeral first, second, third what you know (in your head or in the problem) digits trading (convert) what you need to find ones place number sentence steps tens place equation circle the answer hundreds break apart expand put together include the units number line make a ten check it ½, 1,1 ½, 2 greater than ¼ fourth less than sum equal difference divide subtract/take away even add up odd add on array Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Kindergarten – Grade 2 Word List: Geometry solid width sphere face dimensions pyramid front diagonal cylinder bottom angle congruent: slide, flip, turn edge open figure corner closed figure vertices triangle above angle: acute, obtuse, right below parallel beside intersect next to perpendicular congruent flat parallelogram rectangle trapezoid length rhombus Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Grade 3 – Grade 5 Word List: Number and Operations Fractions; Measurement and Data; Number System fraction bar length* Celsius/Fahrenheit numerator width* positive negative denominator dimensions* integers half, third, fourth area formula unit fraction perimeter protractor divide prism circle (large for divisor faces, edges, measuring angles)* dividend vertices* degrees* quotient volume line plot number line* meter, yard, foot* plot improper fraction inch, cm, mm* mixed number kg, g, ounce, mg* decompose liter, gallon* Venn diagram convert rectangle* temperature* * Indicates a word introduced at an earlier grade level Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Grade 3 – Grade 5 Word List: Geometry parallel* equilateral triangle plot (over and up) perpendicular* isosceles triangle ordered pair intersect scalene triangle parallelogram* symmetry circle* (large) trapezoid point 360 degrees rhombus line segment 90 degrees line 180 degrees ray semicircle angle: right, obtuse acute* congruent protractor/circle coordinate grid 90 right triangle 2 column table obtuse triangle X axis acute triangle Y axis * Indicates a word introduced at an earlier grade level Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Grade 3 – Grade 5 Word List: Operations and Algebraic Thinking and Number Base Ten multiple parenthesis tenths common multiples commutative hundredths multiply associative variable factors distribute in-out box/table factor pairs factor out prime number line* divide* rounding division estimate* divisor approximate* dividend pattern* quotient digits* divisible hundreds, tens, ones* remainder expand* * Indicates a word introduced at an earlier grade level Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Grade 6 – Grade 7 Word List: Expressions and Equations; Geometry exponent triangle* sphere base altitude net squared views (front, top, side) cubed perpendicular* right angles* variable circle (small) bisector coefficient diameter complimentary distribute* radius supplementary factor out circumference straight angle parenthesis* area of circle quotient * pi sum* solid* difference* race* rectangle* edge* area* vertices* perimeter* surface area length width* volume* * Indicates a word introduced at an earlier grade level Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Grade 6 – Grade 7 Word List: Ratio and Proportion and the Number System ratio mixed numbers* opposites 3:4 factor* absolute value percent % multiple* coordinate grid* percent increase common multiple quadrant percent decrease factor distance (difference) mark up/down factor tree gratuities prime factorization tax distribute* interest decimals* convert* repeating decimal equal Ratio terminating proportion number line* fractions* integers* * Indicates a word introduced at an earlier grade level Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Grade 6 – Grade 7 Word List: Statistics and Probability estimate* maximum approximate* minimum line plot* difference* spread out data range median quartile mean outlier mode probability * Indicates a word introduced at an earlier grade level Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Grade 8 Word List: All Strands square root b vertical angles cube root number line* alternate interior positive slope irrational alternate exterior negative slope square root 2 right angle zero slope congruent* right triangle undefined slope translate hypotenuse rise over run reflect (over the y) legs coordinate grid* rotate slant height x axis, y axis* dilation scatter plot y intercept clockwise line of best fit x intercept counterclockwise y = mx + b parallel* m is slope transversal * Indicates a word introduced at an earlier grade level Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Additional Words Coming Soon: Grades Pre-k to 5 quadrilateral pentagon hexagon octagon year kilometer mile rectilinear Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014
Additional Words Coming Soon: Grades 8-10 like terms 45 45 90 triangle 30 60 90 triangle tangent parabola vertex solutions Math Words in Motion ©Bill Atwood 2014