My ministry July – September 2012 Thanks by your prayers, offerings and friendship.
New christian in Shatoja In Shatoja, a village of Tarapoto city, in the rain forest. Franciles, a violent and drunk man, gave your live to Jesus Christ. Your live changed. Nancy, wife of Franciles, is happy. She was watching her spouse. Seeing the change her husband, she also gave your live to Christ. God gave me the privilege to lead the woman to Christ. Thanks, God! In the pictures, we are walking to the Franciles house. Also, Franciles and Nancy are happy and smailing.
Baptism in my local church In August, I baptized seven persons in my local church. Three children, one young and three adults received the baptism. The names of the children: Elena, Joseph and Karen. The name of the young: Luigi. The names of the adults: Mary, Laura and Robert. Elena is my daughter. Now, all my family is in Jesus. Thanks, God!
Elena, my daugther and me
Bible study in Chepen 6 months ago, I began to visit a new city for to preacher the gospel. The name the city is Chepen. Chepen is north of Trujillo. I go all days Tuesday. From Trujillo to Chepen, I trip by tw0 hours in bus. In Chepen not have a baptist church. In this time, I have a bible study with four persons. Lucio, Norma, Loida and Leonidas study the bible with me faithfully. Lucio and Norma are married. Please you pray by Chepen. You help asking to God for a new church of Christ and God will send a missionary to Chepen.
Norma and Lucio
40 mil people or more in this city
Training in Requena As alwais, in August I trip to Requena for training pastors and liderships. I teached Administration of the church. I studied with nine brothers and one sister in Jesus. My time studying and teaching was a very good. I always learn more when study the bible with others believers. Also, in all nights I prached the word of God to the church. Please, you pray my ministry in Requena. Is time for evaluation of my ministry in this city.
Ministry in Ochamé, Moyobamba. Moyobama is a city of the rain forest. The trip in bus takes 17 and 19 hours. Ochame is a village of Moyobamba. In Ochame I preached and teached the book of the prophet Haggai. 24 years ago, I began my ministry as a preacher of the word of the God in that place. I was happy for go back to Ochame. For me, was a great joy by see the fruit of my ministry. God encourage my heart in my visit to Ochame. Thanks, God!
Ministry in Moyobamba Also, I visited to the missionary Victo Ato. He is a missionary in Moyobamba City. Before, in Moyobamba is not exist a baptist church. Missionary Victor Ato began the King Christ Baptist Church seven years ago. I am happy for the ministry of Victor Ato and the ministry of King Christ Baptist Church. Our brothers and sisters are now in a small house. The house is very smoll, but God has provided a larger piece of the land. They are praying to God for funds to build the building. We can help Victor and the church with prayer and offerings.
Missionary Victor Ato
Victor Ato in a large piece of the land for the church
Ministry in Shatoja I was in Shatoja in June. In June, I met Elmer, a young fervent in the Lord. I returned to Shatoja for help this brother. In Shatoja I teached the Book Haggai and the chapter 12 – 15 of First Corinthians. We study by three days. In the nights, I preached to the church. Please, you pray by Elmer. He need our help with prayers. He is the pastor in the church now. Lord willing, we will continue helping to the believers of Shatoja.
Visiting to Missioners in Tarapoto In this trip, I visited to Luis Escobar and Pablo Paiva. They are working in Tarapoto. Luis Escobar is married. Pablo is single. They are coworkers and are planting a new church in Tarapoto. Pablo is new in the mission work. This is his first time. Please pray for him. Luis planted a new church in only three year. This is the secund church for to plant. Luis works as a carpenter to support his family. Also, He go to fish. Please pray for Luis and his family. He need more support for he have more time for work of God.
Missionary Pablo
Missionary Luis Escobar and family
Segundo Rodriguez Missioner – Evangelist From Perú to the World Donation Address: Baptist International Evangelistic Ministries PO Box 707, Danville, IN