The science of appetite After reading the article on the science of appetite, complete a t-chart on a separate sheet of paper showing as many different physiological and psychological factors that contribute to hunger (&satiety) as possible – highlight the physiological factors…. Be prepared to discuss your findings. Hunger Triggers Satiety Cues What factors tell you it’s time to eat? What factors tell you it’s time to stop eating?
Crash Course…. “The Power of Motivation” Video…….. Crash Course…. “The Power of Motivation”
Friday…. You may use your notes, textbook or concept maps to complete the following FRQ. This must be completed and turned in by the end of the period. Name and describe 2 theories of motivation. Who discovered them and how could you see them applied to your life? What is intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation and how might it influence a persons struggle with an eating disorder? Explain.