Welcome to Room 23! December 2, 2016 Language Arts Word Study This week we continued in the theme, “My Neighborhood.” We had many discussions on this theme and re-read the humorous fictional story, Shark in the Park. We continued practicing the comprehension strategy, sequencing, and practiced this with our Just Right Books at reading circle. We also learned three new vocabulary words: contact, locate, greet. Our high frequency words (HFW) this week are: made, way, an, other, every Please review these with your child at home. Word Study This week we practiced the short /e/ sound. Ask your child about Eddie Elephant, the song that we sing in class! We practiced adding and taking away letters to form new words with the short /e/ sound. We added new words to our word wall. Please practice these at home. They are: yes, on, one Important Dates Dec 7: Gingerbread Person & Volunteer Forms due Dec 9: Town Supplies due Dec 14: Town Construction 1:35-2:20pm Dec 16: Gingerbread House Supplies due Dec 21: Gingerbread construction - 1:35-2:20pm Dec 23: PJ Party & Winter Party @2:30 Dec 26-Jan 2: No School Reminders Scholastic Holiday Book orders due by Friday, December 16. **Please make sure your child is reading at least 10-15 minutes every night, or at least some nights(!), either independently or with an adult! Miss Alaina Seygal Email Address: SeygalA@tesd.net 1st Grade Devon Elementary School Phone Number: (610)-240-2455
Gingerbread & Town Supplies Alternates for the week: Weekly Reports Don’t forget to ask your child about his/her weekly report. Your child should be able to explain why he/she received an N in a specific category because we talk about it often. Please sign and return this to school on Monday!! Gingerbread & Town Supplies Please refer to the handout I sent home earlier this week regarding supplies your child should bring in to complete his/her gingerbread house and town building. Mystery Reader! On Thursday, we had our first dad mystery reader! He read 3 Ninja Pigs and Planes. The students voted on which story they liked best and it was a close tie! Most of the students were able to guess who’s dad came in! Math This week we started Chapter 7: Numbers to 20. In this chapter, students will count to 20 using pictorial representations of concrete objects, recognize numbers 1-20 as 1 group of ten and a particular group of ones, compare numbers using the phrases greater than or less than, and identify and extend number patterns. This week we reviewed the word form and number form of numbers 1-20. We also learned place value, making groups of 1 ten and a particular group of ones. Please review this with your child, as it is was a difficult concept for some students to grasp. Lunch Menu Next Week Monday: Hot Dog Tuesday: Meatball Sandwich Wednesday: Grilled Cheese Thursday: French Toast Friday: French Bread Pizza Alternates for the week: B) Cheeseburger C) PBJ D) Tuna Salad E) Taco Salad