Bryan Adams High School TLPD Informational Meeting January 30, 2014
Welcome…. AND THANK YOU! Thank you for being here!!
DISD Core Beliefs Our main purpose is to improve student achievement. Effective instruction makes the most difference in student academic performance. There is no excuse for poor quality instruction. With our help, at risk students will achieve at the same rate as non-at risk students. Staff members must have a commitment to children and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence.
Norms Listen fully. Be an active participant. Be open to colleagues contributions. Start on time and end on time. Review norms and ask everyone to be full present.
TLPD Overview Format Facilitator Participants Topics Rotation Ask participants to
TLPD Facilitator Proposal
Important dates Wednesday, February 5th TLPD Facilitator Proposal due. Friday, February 7th, proposals approval list finalized Monday, February 10th, TLPD schedule and catalog finalized and shared with staff. Wednesday, February 12th, TLPD facilitator PowerPoint submission date (feedback by Friday, February 15th) Week of Feb. 18th TLPD sessions begin (17th staff development)
What Does a Session Look Like? Lesson Cycle Presented by: Mr. Fonseca and Mr. Dowd