X-rays By: Marina Gutiérrez Navarro Sofía Frédérick Berraquero Lucía García Infante
INDEX Introduction X-rays Development X-rays photography Scientific Method Conclusion
INTRODUCtion -The investigation about our project include: 1.Who discovered the X-rays. 2.How did they do it . 3.Which material did they use. 4.Things that you must know about the X-rays photography. 5.The sciencetific method about X-rays.
What are x-rays? - Type of electromagnetic radiation. - Invisible for our eyes, registered in a photographic film. - Transcend a human body and produce pictures protecting the shadow of some structures. - X-rays can be dangerous for us, depending on the intensity that we use. If you are pregnant, high radiation can affect you more.
Wilhelm Conrad Röentgen Development William Crookes Nikola Tesla Wilhelm Conrad Röentgen This is the hand of the wife of Röentgen. Was experimenting with the Crookes´ tubes and the Ruhnmkorff bobbin. He discoverd the X-rays. Introduced energy disch- arges to some gases in a tube called Crookes´ tubes. Started the study of the phenomena created by the Crookes´ tubes.
X-RAYS PHOTOGRAphY Is the name that he gove to the X-rays radiations. We use that discovery to find problems inside our body, in an easier and faster way. The 8th of november is the international day of X-rays photography.
SCIENTIFIC METHOD Observation: Röentgen worked with the crookes´ tubes and the Ruhnmkorff bobbin and he saw that the rays were crossing thick layers of paper and some metals. Hypothesis: Parts of the rays go out of the tube and can keep them in a fluorescent screen or in a photographic license plate. Experiment: He turned off the light and after he covered the tube with a black photographic paper trying to see if the rays of the waves of the rays went out of the tube. He was going to take a photo to this phenomenon, when he made a new discovery : the X-rays. This discovery has got different variables: . Idependent variable: the production of X-rays. . Dependent variable: if in the veiled license plate a picture appears. . Controlled variable: the X-rays machine and the place where the picture was taken. - Conclusion: the discovery worked correctly but while the technology improved the way to make X-rays photography.
CONCLUSION The x-rays are one of the most important discoveries for science, specially for medicine. That had helped to save plenty of lifes, with this discovery we can detect a lot of problems in our body. We think that this discovery is very usefull and without it we couldn´t survive.