Maximum Points 6 35 minutes 15% of score Long Essay Maximum Points 6 35 minutes 15% of score
Pick the BEST question! You will get to choose from two periods What are you more knowledgeable on? Quickly jot down as much as you can about each question.
Thesis 1 Point Write your thesis (don’t restate the question) Must directly address all parts of the question Must be CLEAR
Argument up to 2 points Supports your thesis with specific evidence Terms, people…just lots of info Clearly consistently stating how that evidence supports the thesis or argument You can’t be discussing fluff bring it back to argument STATE IT Establishes a clear link between that evidence and your thesis
Continuity and Change Over Time up to 2 points You have to do both! What has changed? What has stayed the same? You have to give specific examples not just generalities
Comparison up to 2 points Describe the similarities! Describe differences! Give specific examples! Give an analysis! Show the significance (if the prompt asks you to)
Causation up to 2 points Describe the CAUSE and/or EFFECT of an historical development Give specific examples
Periodization up to 2 points Describes the ways that historical development specified in the prompt was different or similar to developments that preceded and/or followed it. Give specific examples!
Synthesis 1 Point Extends or modify the stated thesis or argument Recognizes and effectively accounts for disparate, sometimes contradictory evidence from primary sources and/or secondary works in crafting a coherent argument Appropriately connects the topic of the question to other historical periods, geographical areas, contexts or circumstances THIS IS THE EASIEST ONE! DO IT IN THE CONCLUSION
Length This essay is 15% of your score and you only have 35 minutes to write it so you need to keep it smaller. 3-4 paragraphs no intro just write the thesis.