Henry VIII and Government: Starter How might the break with Rome have affected Henry’s government? What new roles did government need to take on?
Historical debate! Geoffrey Elton, 1953 The Tudor Revolution in Government Elton’s critics, e.g. Starkey
Key questions How far did the practice of government change? How far did the power and use of Parliament change? Did the power of the Crown increase? How permanent were these changes? How far did Henry exercise royal authority and what might affect this?
How far government changed (p88) Key change and details Elton Critics of Elton Your Judgement Constitutional Revolution Political Revolution Bureaucratic Revolution
Did things change? (p88-9) Area Things that changed On the other hand… Royal Council Financial management King’s Advisers
Did the power of the Crown increase? (89-90) Factor Increase in power because… On the other hand… Break from Rome Wales Remote parts of the kingdom
How far did the power and use of Parliament change? The Background What were Parliaments traditionally used for? Why didn’t Henry VII need to use Parliament that often? Why was there tension between Wolsey and Parliament?
How far did the power and use of Parliament change? (90-91) The changes How was the Reformation Parliament (Parliament from 1529) different? What long-term changes to Parliament (procedure, status etc) happened as a result? Why did Cromwell use Parliament so extensively? What is the difference between King and Parliament and King-in- Parliament? How did the composition of Parliament change in the 1530s?
Ministers (Wolsey and Cromwell) Break with Rome Parliament Ministers (Wolsey and Cromwell) Henry’s Royal Authority His own personality Factions Regions (Wales, the North etc)