Proposed Program Timeline 2017 2018 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Phase 1: Analyze & Select Tool WS0: Information Gathering Activities WS1: Rigid Core/Flex Edges WS2: Requirements WS3: Tool Selection WS4: Plan Stage 2 Phase 2: Design WS5: Process harmonization WS6: Technical requirements WS7: Design and prototype Phase 3: Develop and Test WS8 WS9 Add the high milestone for the project. Should correspond to the phases of the methodology being used and that which is also communicated to the ERO. 2019 2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Phase 3: Develop and Test WS8: Build WS9: Data preparation, conversion & loading WS10: Test Phase 5: Deploy WS11: Deploy WS12: Training and awareness WS13: Post-production support