Bryan Butler (for Bill Sahr) Software – M&C Bryan Butler (for Bill Sahr) 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software Major Subsystems Executor (with parameters database) Antenna M&C Correlator M&C (includes visibility data storage) Alerts and logging Monitor data storage and retrieval Metadata Capture and Format Telescope Calibration Monitoring GUIs 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software Transition System In broad terms, there will be two major versions of the EVLA Monitor & Control System – a Transition System and a Final System The Transition System bridges the gap between the old Modcomp-based VLA Control System and the final version of the EVLA Monitor & Control System, while maintaining operational capabilities The Transition System will be responsible for controlling a wide array of old and new hardware – EVLA Antennas, VLA Antennas, the VLA Correlator, and the prototype WIDAR correlator The Transition System will incrementally shift its software architecture toward the desired architecture of the final system 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software Transition System This diagram shows the basic data flows in the transition system. Might want to point out: EVLA antennas are represented as a collection of MIBs while the CMP presents a collection of VLA virtual antennas. Within the CMP, IP aliases is used to provide a separate IP address for each virtual VLA antenna, and multithreading is used to provide a separate MIB-style interface for each virtual antenna. Alerts & a monitor data archive stream emitted by EVLA & VLA antennas as multicasts of UDP datagrams containing XML messages. Commands come to the antennas us UDP datagrams, unicast Currently no real-time monitor data stream (the ostream). The code is in place but it has a not yet been enable because no one is using it yet. Round trip phase & total power will change that situation. There is an alert server, but currently it’s only client is Array Operator Screen. The flagging task gets its alerts directly from the alert multicast group used by the antennas. Flagging – currently sends flagging info to the Modcomps. Later, will either forward this info to DCAF, or will actually be absorbed by DCAF. The New VLA Correlator Controller is given as “nearly done”, but carries a completion date of Q4 2006. This apparent discrepancy is due to the fact that while it is nearly ready to move into the operational state, it will, at first, be controlled by the Modcomps, coming under control of the EVLA Monitor & Control System at a later date. The Q4 2006 shown at the output to the Array Processor associated with the new correlator controller is a reference to the “visibility pipe”, i.e., the distribution of visibility data within the EVLA M&C System. 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software Deployment Diagram Don’t forget to mention mctest & mc2host, used as an integration testbed, are a response to a point made in the 2004 EVAC Report 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
Transition System Milestones Support for EVLA antenna hardware development Use of EVLA antennas in scientific observations Monitor and control of EVLA antennas Retirement of the Modcomp-based VLA control system Monitor and control of VLA antennas Monitor and control of VLA correlator Distribution of VLA correlator output within EVLA M&C Formation & writing of VLA format archive records Support WIDAR prototype correlator Implement architecture of final system Support for EVLA antenna hardware development (done) Use of EVLA Antennas in scientific observations (nearly done) Monitor and control of EVLA antennas (done) & other tasks such as Operations Software, UIs, etc Retirement of the Modcomp-based VLA control system Monitor and control of VLA antennas (nearly done) Monitor and control of VLA correlator (new correlator controller online, under control of Modcomps “soon”) Distribution of VLA correlator output Formation & writing of VLA format archive records Support WIDAR prototype correlator Implement target architecture of final system 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
Modcomp Retirement Milestones Monitor and control of VLA antennas – end of Q2 2006 Monitor and control of VLA correlator – Q4 2006 Distribution of VLA correlator output – Q4 2006 Formation & writing of VLA format archive records – Q1 2007 Parallel operation & testing – Q2 2007 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software Transition System CDR CDR of M&C transition system held Dec. 5-6 2006. Passed with flying colors General assessment Requirements for the EVLA transition M&C system are complete Architecture selected for the system design will satisfy those requirements Specific recommendations Improve the design for network security (plan in place) Improve the design for system alerts (implemented) Update the design of the virtual correlator interface (done) Make the use of the network protocol (UDP) for data transmission robust to packet loss (under advisement) 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
Array Operators Screen - Has been in daily use for over a year 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software Final System In good shape Needs work This diagram shows the basic data flows in the transition system. Might want to point out: EVLA antennas are represented as a collection of MIBs while the CMP presents a collection of VLA virtual antennas. Within the CMP, IP aliases is used to provide a separate IP address for each virtual VLA antenna, and multithreading is used to provide a separate MIB-style interface for each virtual antenna. Alerts & a monitor data archive stream emitted by EVLA & VLA antennas as multicasts of UDP datagrams containing XML messages. Commands come to the antennas us UDP datagrams, unicast Currently no real-time monitor data stream (the ostream). The code is in place but it has a not yet been enable because no one is using it yet. Round trip phase & total power will change that situation. There is an alert server, but currently it’s only client is Array Operator Screen. The flagging task gets its alerts directly from the alert multicast group used by the antennas. Flagging – currently sends flagging info to the Modcomps. Later, will either forward this info to DCAF, or will actually be absorbed by DCAF. The New VLA Correlator Controller is given as “nearly done”, but carries a completion date of Q4 2006. This apparent discrepancy is due to the fact that while it is nearly ready to move into the operational state, it will, at first, be controlled by the Modcomps, coming under control of the EVLA Monitor & Control System at a later date. The Q4 2006 shown at the output to the Array Processor associated with the new correlator controller is a reference to the “visibility pipe”, i.e., the distribution of visibility data within the EVLA M&C System. 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software
Subsystems Requiring Attention Correlator M&C System The interaction between the VCI and the rest of the EVLA M&C system is a complex one (we have begun work on this) The collection and writing of data by the CBE and FF needs development (we have also begun work on this) Metadata Capture and Format - we have IDCAF, but work on MCAF is in early stages Telescope Calibration - we have ITelCal, but work on the final TelCal is in early stages 2007Sep06 EAC 2007 - Butler - M&C Software