Lakeview Basketball Parent Packet 2018-2019 Season Lakeview Basketball Parent Packet
Lakeview Basketball Coaches Head Coach: Quincy Roberts Email: Phone Number: 469-713-5974 ext. 3107 Conference: Monday-Tuesday and Friday 10:30-11:30 Assistant Coach: Brandon Eades Email: Proper Chain For Any Basketball Issues Coach Roberts- Head Basketball Lakeview MS Coach Cross- Boy’s Coordinator Lakeview MS Coach Ryan- Head Basketball The Colony HS Mr. Turner- Principal Lakeview MS Coach Rangel- Athletic Coordinator The Colony HS
7th Grade Schedule November 12 (Monday) January 14 (Monday) Lakeview vs. Killian Lakeview @ Arbor Creek November 26 (Monday) January 23 ( Wednesday) Lakeview @ Downing Lakeview @ Griffin December 3 (Monday) January 28 (Monday) Lakeview vs. McKamy Lakeview vs. Forestwood December 10 (Monday) Lakeview @ Creek Valley January 9 (Wednesday) February 4-5 (Mon.- Tues.) Lakeview vs. Briarhill 7th Grade District Tournament @ FMHS Feeder Schools Game Times: Championship Games @ McKamy Division 3 @ 5:30PM Division 2 @ 6:30PM Division 1 @ 7:30PM Revised 5/29/2015
8th Grade Schedule November 15(Thursday) January 17 (Thursday) Lakeview @ Killian Lakeview vs. Arbor Creek November 29 (Thursday) January 24(Thursday) Lakeview vs. Downing Lakeview vs. Griffin (The Colony HS) December 6 (Thursday) January 31 (Thursday) Lakeview @ McKamy Lakeview @ Forestwood December 13 (Thursday) February 9 (Tuesday) Lakeview vs. Creek Valley Lakeview @ Lamar January 10 (Thursday) February 17-19 (Wed.-Fri) Lakeview @ Briarhill 8th Grade District Tournament @ LHS Feeder Schools January 19, 2015 (Saturday) Championship Games @ Lakeview 8th Grade LISD Tournament Game Times: @ LHS and HHS Division 2 @ 5:30PM Division 1 @ 6:30PM Revised 5/29/2015
Game Day Food being delivered for your child should be brought to the front office by 2:30. Please try to limit drinks that help hydrate them for the game such as water, Gatorade, etc. Remind messages will be sent with game times and sites Players who decide to wear under shirts must match the game jersey main color for that day. Players are responsible for wearing black shorts and black socks (calf high or no show socks are acceptable) Players are responsible for their own basketball shoes
Practice Do not miss practice unless absolutely necessary If a player is absent he must notify the coach before the practice Parents can notify in 3 ways: Call The basketball office number is 469-713-5974 Ext. 3107 Email Coach Roberts at Written Note Consequences for an unexcused absence will result in disciplinary actions in practice and could result in non-participation in games. An excused absence would involve personal illness, an injury, the death of a relative and religious holidays All players will make up missed practice time before next game, regardless if excused or unexcused, or it may result in reduced playing time Repeated offenses will result with the consequence being increased, parent conference, and possible dismissal from team Do not be late to practice A player is late if he is not completely dressed and ready to participate at the prescribed start time.
Player Expectations Players are to conduct themselves accordingly in the classroom. Any issues in the classroom may result in extra conditioning or missing playing time. Players are expected to maintain exceptional grades during the basketball season. Any grades that are below expectation may result in extra conditioning. Players are expected to treat each coach, teammate, and teachers with respect. Anything else will not be tolerated. Players are evaluated based on their effort, ability, toughness, and ability to be coached. Any player not succeeding in all areas may result in less playing time. My goal is to have every player successful with the fundamentals of the game and have a firm understanding how the game should be played before reaching high school.
Player Rules Players must abide to the LISD athletic code. The use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are prohibited and will result in dismissal of the team. Players are expected to behave in the classroom. Misconduct will result in disciplinary actions. Players apparel and appearance should be in line with the LISD Student Handbook standards. Players must show respect to teammates and coaches. Anything else will not be tolerated and will have consequences. Players will travel to game on the bus. Players may travel home with parents as long as the appropriate paperwork has been turned in before the game. Players are to take care of basketball equipment and keep up with any equipment issued out. You will pay for lost, stolen, or damaged equipment. Report all injuries to a coach. Let us help take care of you.
Playing Time Playing Time is NON- NEGOTIBALE Playing time is earned at practice. Everyone will play but not every player will play equal time. Attitude and effort will be a factor in playing time. The starting line-up will be evaluated each week. Coaches will make changes if they feel it benefits the team.
Parent Expectations Be your child’s biggest fan. Help encourage him and his teammates. Allow your child to play and make mistakes. The coaches will help fix those mistakes but we need help in keeping the player focused and in the game not worried about making another mistake. Be the example of the sportsmanship you would like your son to play with. It is important as parents and coaches we set the example for the kids. Allow officials to do their job. We know missed calls will be a constant but yelling may lead to more missed calls.
Parent Expectations If you have an issue with coaching or coaching style please refrain from talking to your son about it. I would be more than willing to meet with any parent that has an issue with coaching. During the game I do ask you please allow the coaches to coach. Any parent that would like to meet with a coach about an issue must wait 24 hours after a game. Coaches will not talk about playing/coaching concerns after a game. We will only talk to you about your child and not another player. If your child has any concerns please direct them to talk to us first. Sometimes we don’t even know there is an issue. Please Sign the Parent/Player Agreement and Turn it in to Coach Roberts