Please pick up the article on the table by the door and begin reading Please pick up the article on the table by the door and begin reading. Answer the questions ON YOUR OWN PAPER!!!
FRQ—I will give you 10 minutes to finish your FRQ on summer vacation from last class.
Five Themes of Geography MR. HELP
What are the five themes of Geography? Mr. Help knows….
M is for People Goods Movement “How are people and places connected?” Ideas and Information Religions Political Systems Movement – How people, goods and ideas move from one place to another.
R is for Region Examples? An area with shared characteristics. Elements may include physical, political, economic, or cultural characteristics. Examples?
Formal Region An area with clearly defined borders. Ex.—Continents and countries
Functional Region A region based on a specific landform or economic practice.
Vernacular/Perceptional Region Regions that are not clearly defined, they are based on your perception.
Human-Environment Interaction HE-- Human-Environment Interaction Human-Environment Interaction – How people depend on, adapt to, and change the physical environment.
L=Location Location – The exact position of a place on earth (Where something is located). Where are we currently located right now?
1. Absolute Location –the exact place on earth where a geographic feature is found (such as a city) 2. Relative Location – describes a place in comparison to other places around it
P=Place Place – The physical and cultural features of a location. “What is it like there?” Place – The physical and cultural features of a location.
Review! What are the 5 themes of geography spelled out with MR. HELP? For each of the following, choose the theme of geography that best fits the statement. Colorado is very mountainous, and it does not have a large population. Steven lives at 5843 Sanderson Street. To survive living in Galveston, where there are lots of hurricanes, people build tall beach houses that will not flood. Many goods that we buy in Houston are made in China, then shipped to the United States. One characteristic that most of South America has in common is that Spanish is the most spoken language.
Which theme of geography do the following pictures represent?
Syrian Refugees, 2013 TLC…