DG meeting, Draft resolution for IPSG 2nd IPSG Meeting, Paris 24-25 November 2008
Draft resolution IPSG Draft will be submitted by the end of the week 3 main topics to be further elaborated : QCs, CAF, CSM
Draft resolution IPSG QCs DGs thank France and IPSG WG for the organization of 5QC and reiterate their interest in the organisation of quality conferences They take note of the absence of host country for organizing 6QC in 2010, and agree on the necessity of reformating the event based on the assessment of previous QCs (namely 4QC and 5QC) (Decision to be later formulated according to the conclusions on the future of EUPAN and the added value of the network)
Draft resolution IPSG CAF DGs thank CAF RC and CAF expert group for the organization of CAF Centre at 5QC Appreciate the work accomplished for the development of PEF and ask CAF expert group to achieve it for launching at the CAF event in Romania on 15 and 16 October 2009
Draft resolution IPSG CSM Confirm their interest in the principles exposed in the primer and ask member states to spread them in their countries according to national context (translation of the primer, organization of seminars) Wish to invite their colleagues to a high level seminar and ask Czech Republic to organize it, with the support of EIPA contentwise, together with IPSG Ask EIPA to organize a learning team to deepen the primer principles on …..