Read 180 – “Combat Zone” Unit Three Vocabulary
Essential Question What vocabulary is needed for unit three of Read 180?
LBook Page 46
involved committed or engaged
supported to bear or hold up
opposed to act against
service the act of helpful activity
heroes A man or woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for brave deeds and noble qualities
criticized to find faults
landmark something used to mark the boundary of land
Monument statue in memory of a person
Lbook Pages 48 - 51
Gradual happening slowly
Gradually slowly, over a long period of time
real true; not imagined
reality truth; what is happening for real
hesitate to pause because you are not sure
hesitation a pause because you are not sure
complicated hard to understand or deal with
complication a situation that makes something harder
Read 180 Unit 3
ambush to attack from a place of hiding
gradually slowly but steadily
hesitate to pause
peril danger
difficult to understand or deal with complicated difficult to understand or deal with
“Ambush” Vocabulary Page 64
site a place
what is happening for real reality what is happening for real
certainly without any doubt
LBook Pages 52 - 53
inscribe to cut or carve words or letters into something
inscription a piece of writing cut into stone or written in the front of a book
tragedy a very sad event
tragic very sad
“The Names” Vocabulary Page 70
to cut or carve words or letters on something inscribe to cut or carve words or letters on something
to look hard at something that is difficult to see peer to look hard at something that is difficult to see