Human Growth and Development Day #12 October 15, 2012 The second half of the class begins today
Agenda – Day 12 Language Development Children’s Book Review Parenting and Discipline
LanguageDevelopment Cognitive development supports and is aided by language development
Language Development Competency develops first in language function ( uses of language) then on structure (sequence of words in sentence, grammar rules, etc.)
Chomsky All children have an innate predisposition to learn language. This is known as a Language Acquisition Device or LAD
Related terms Over-extension Over-regularization over-generalization of a set of words to inappropriate objects Over-regularization over-application of rules; same rules; all situations
Vocabulary Development Predictable sequence first nouns then verbs then adjectives and adverbs then conjunctions, pronouns, etc.
Related concepts Private speech = Vygotsky’s idea that children review what they know and regulate their actions accordingly Through social use of language children incorporate potential learning into actual development
Ponder these What can be done to stimulate a child’s language development? What is the difference between speech and language? What cues tell you that a child’s speech and language may not be developing normally? Special ability issues?
Children’s Book Review
Children’s Book Review NOT
Review of Psychosexual Stages Freudian Stages Oral Oral receptive fixation Oral aggressive fixation Anal Anal retentive fixation Anal expulsive fixation Phallic Oedipus and Electra Conflicts
Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Infancy = Basic trust versus mistrust Toddlerhood = autonomy versus shame and doubt Preschool = initiative versus guilt
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor What can be sensed and manipulated Object permanence Pre-operational Learning language and basic concepts Letters, numbers, colors Managing egocentrism and centration Conservation, reversibility, animism
Baumrind’s Theory of Parenting Authoritarian parenting “Law and Order” “Because I said so!” Demand obedience often maintain distance from child
Baumrind’s parenting Permissive Parenting Few demands yet nurturing and accepting Tend to communicate well with children
Authoritative Parenting Baumrind’s parenting Authoritative Parenting Negotiation and participation Limits set and rationally explained often democratic mutual respect
Other models of parenting Traditional especially related to gender roles Permissive forms rejecting/neglecting democratic/indulgent
Spider Rock, Canyon de Chelly, Arizona
SPIDER ROCK What role does this landmark play in discipline procedures? What dangers are inherent in this practice?
Complexities of Parenting Child’s temperament Size of the family Child’s age and gender Parents age Marital relationship
Discipline Name some pro’s and con’s of physical (corporal) punishment What method is best? For infants? For toddlers? For preschoolers? Name some pro’s and con’s of physical (corporal) punishment
Assignment Test #2 due 10/22 Begin Chapter 7 - 8 Middle Childhood – Grade School Years