DAC Evaluation network meeting Update on NONIE Nick York, NONIE chair
Feedback from Lisbon - October 08 Focus and aim of NONIE Guidance on impact evaluation Governance Sessions on budget support and impact evaluation case studies NONIE’s future work plan Role of secretariat
NONE work plan for 2008/9 Learning by doing, with a thematic focus Sharing experiences on carrying out and designing impact evaluations in key thematic areas Identifying opportunities for new impact evaluations Peer review and support to less experienced members initiating impact evaluations Engaging on the demand side with developing country governments and operational staff Knowledge management of existing impact evaluation studies including high quality papers and sources for methods and approaches
Decisions/input required Invite DAC network to comment on/endorse the overall focus of NONIE’s workplan. Agree who should be the 2 DAC nominations to the NONIE steering committee and invite DAC views on chair of network next year Invite members to confirm their contributions to funding of NONIE’s core activities and secretariat CAIRO March 2009 conference on impact evaluation jointly sponsored by NONIE/3ie/AFREA