Adult relationships
You cannot use the word itself or you are out Starter: Describe the word to your teams. They have to guess which word you are saying. You cannot use the word itself or you are out
Refresh your memory What is the internal working model? What are the characteristics of avoidant behaviour? What are the characteristics of resistant behaviour? What are the characteristics of secure behaviour?
Hazan and Shaver (1987) Love quiz The love quiz was developed to test the internal working model. They placed a Love Quiz in an American small town publication, there were 620 responses (205 men, 415 women) The quiz included various questions assessing the following: 1)Current attachment experiences 2)Attachment history 3)Attitudes towards love (to assess internal working model) PRINT THE GRID – With cut outs!!!!
Hazan and Shaver (1987) love quiz They found that the prevalence of attachment styles was similar to that found in infancy – 56% were classified as secure, 23% as avoidant and 19% are resistant. They also found a positive correlation between attachment type and love experiences. The internal working model of love also correlated to attachment type. There was also a correlation in relationship endurance. Peer assess the grid
Task: complete worksheets on adult attachments
Can you? Explain the role of the internal working model in the development of later relationships (4 marks) Outline one study of the influence of early attachment on childhood adult relationships (6 marks)
Finish your wheel for Attachment Plenary Finish your wheel for Attachment
Apply your knowledge Why do you think poor attachment could lead to poor parenting? What impact do you think poor attachment could have on mental health? THINK – PAIR – SHARE
Childhood friendships Individuals classified as securely attached in infancy were highest rated for social competence later in childhood, were less isolated and more popular, and more empathetic. This can be explained in terms of the internal working model because securely attached infants have higher expectations that others are friendly and trusting which would lead to better relationships.
Poor parenting Harlow’s research with monkeys demonstrated a link between poor attachment and later difficulties with parenting. The lack of internal working model means that individuals lack reference points to subsequently form relationships with their own children.
Mental Health Children with attachment disorder have no preferred attachment figure, an inability to interact and relate to others and an experience of severe neglect or frequent change of caregivers. This disorder has been recognised and classed as a distinct psychiatric condition included in the DSM.
Plenary – Research methods Questionnaires like the “Love Quiz” can be used to collect quantitative data which is then analysed using statistical tests. Identify one strength and one limitation of using a questionnaire in this study (4 marks)