Sample Job titles of respondents The titles above account for 91% of all respondents Other job titles include: assistant manager, supervisor, housekeeper, administrator, home manager, matron, nurse Equal split of respondents by gender, spread across all age groups (25+) Base: All, Q26
Factors When Ordering ~All Responses
Current Supplier Used Most Often ~ All Responses
How likely would you be to change LE supplier ~ 1 = Very Likely, 5 = Very Unlikely
What would make you change LE supplier ~ All Reponses
What was your previous experience of Brakes CE ~ 42% of respondents had bought Light Equipment from BCE previously
Can you tell me why you have not used Brakes CE ~ 58% of respondents had not bought Light Equipment from BCE previously
How do you prefer to order Light Equipment ~ All Responses
How do you keep up to date on promotions and offers ~ All Responses