Connecting Algebra Tiles to Integer Tiles
Comparing Algebra Tiles to Integer Tiles is a representation of +1 because it has an area of 1. Length = 1 Width = 1 is a representation of -1 because the size stays the same, but the sign/colour changes. What relationships do you notice between the measurements of the integer tile and the algebra tiles?
Comparing Algebra Tiles to Integer Tiles 1 x The width of the rectangle is 1 and the length can be represented by x. The length and width of the large square are the same as x. Therefore, represents x, and represents x2
Comparing Algebra Tiles to Integer Tiles is +1 is -1 is +x represents _____ -x represents ____ represents ___ +x2 - x2
Representations of Zero x = 0 1 –1 x2 x = 0 –x x2 –x2 = 0
Representations of Integers Illustrate each of the following terms. +3 Add 0. Add 0. -2 Illustrate a different representation of each of these integers.
Representations of Terms Illustrate each of the following terms. +3x -2x2 Draw a representation of 4x, -2x, 3x2, -5x2.
Representations of Algebraic Terms -2x 4x 3x2 -5x2
Multiple Representations of 4x
Representing Polynomials 3x+1 1 -2x2-3 1 1 1 X2-3x+2 1 1