Students finalize their ability to respond in a cohesive manner Response Relay Race Students finalize their ability to respond in a cohesive manner
Directions: In groups of three or four Each group member is responsible for one portion of a response to a question. You will be instructed on where to start the response and who to pass your document to next. Points will be rewarded for accurate and timely responses. Teachers, Label students by letter and number. The letter represents their group, the number represents their part to the response.
Review: 3 Parts to a Response TPR- A well constructed sentence to clearly start your response includes the following: Topic: Main focus of the question or prompt Position: Your stance or opinion on the prompt Reason: Why you took your stance on the prompt Support: Quotation to support Position in TPR Explain: Explain the quote and how the quote connects to your TPR
Prompt One Explain how the author of Recycling Now for the Future acknowledges and refutes facts presented in Recycling Reconsidered.
Prompt Two Name one specific issue surrounding recycling that both authors use to argue against the other, and describe in detail what conclusion one can draw from the fact that they are both correct.
Prompt Three Both authors discuss the pros and cons of recycling paper over manufacturing virgin paper. Explain which author’s argument you find more compelling and why. Use textual evidence to support your analysis.