Bell Ringers August 29-September 02
M.U.G. Shot Monday (August 29) *Correct the sentences This year writing will be a major focus, its’ important to understand grammer rules, without them you’re writing is difficult to understand. Once a week well begin class with one of these sets of M.U.G. sentences, M.U.G. by the way is an abbreviation of “mechanics, usage and grammer”
Lit. term Tuesday (August 30) *copy the following in your journal THEME: An insight about human life that’s revealed in a literary work. Theme is rarely directly stated by the author Good lit. = a lot of possible, provable themes Ask, “What’s the author’s message to me?”
Theme is always more than one word “friendship” “Bravery” “Sexism” WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Theme is always more than one word “friendship” “Bravery” “Sexism” If your theme sounds like a Hallmark card or a fortune cookie message, you need to dig deeper to find a unique, compelling theme.
Wordy Wednesday (August 31) *will in the box for each word Abbreviate Benevolent Camaraderie Deleterious Empathy Definition Definition in your own words Word Draw a picture Sentence
Thoughtful Thursday (September 01) *complete sentences & 5 lines long Every so often a dreamcatcher must be ‘emptied’ of the nightmares it has caught. Who does it and what do they see?
Poetry Friday (September 02) Read the poem. Write down everything you know about a poem and poem writing. and-poets/poems/detail/46712