Welcome to AP Psychology!!!! The course in which your brain is trying to learn & understand itself :)
A Little Bit about the Teacher MRS. RENFELDT (mrenfeldt@champscharter.org) (SORRY I COULDN’T BE HERE TODAY….I AM SICK :( I graduated from UC Irvine w/ a B.A in Psychology I got my M.A in Teacher Ed. from Claremont Graduate University I love to travel (34 states, 10 Countries) I love sports (Dodgers, Lakers, Green Bay Packers) I am scuba certified I have completed 3- 26.2 mile marathons I love movies (you will see from my slides) I love new adventures I am truly excited to be your teacher! I really am sick though :) just thought you would enjoy the mean girls reference
What we cover… Brain anatomy Motivation Brain function BRAIN INFLUENCES ON BEHAVIOR Brain anatomy Brain function Genetics Senses Perception Cognitive Process (thinking) Memory Consciousness Dreams Drugs Hypnosis Intelligence OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO BEHAVIOR Motivation Love/Relationships Hunger Achievement Emotion Personality Development (age) Society Disorders
AP PSYCHOLOGY TEST https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap- psychology History & approaches (2-4%) Research Methods (8-10%) Biological Basis of Behavior (8-10%) Sensation & Perception (6-8%) States of Consciousness (2-4%) Learning (7-9%) Cognition (8-10%) Motivation & Emotion (6-8%) Developmental Psychology (7-9%) Personality (5-7%) Testing & Individual Differences (5-7%) Abnormal Behavior (7-9%) Treatment of Abnormal Behavior (5-7%) Social Psychology (8-10%) TEST: 2 hours long 70 Minutes Multiple Choice Must complete 95 questions 50 Minute Free Response Question Must complete 2 FRQ’s in 50 minute time frame
EXPECTATIONS FOR THE COURSE SUMMER ASSIGNMENT (Syllabus & list will be emailed on the last day of school) - DUE THE 2nd day of CLASS!!!!! Required to read a Psychology Crash Course Book Required to read a book from the list given and write a paper on it *please note if you don’t do the assignment your grade will suffer significantly PARTICIPATION Everyone is required to participate & contribute to class discussions as well as participate in presentations of various work TECHNOLOGY As much as I love technology, I do require that all cell phones be put away for the class period unless we are using them to do real time research. Not putting the phone away will result in it being taken away & loss of points. PROJECTS/WRITE-UPS There is a mini project or write-up to accompany each chapter (be prepared to make sure you stay on task) There are a few projects that require the help of family members, please support their research in this regard. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know ahead of time
CLASSROOM RULES….. BE!!! BE RESPECTFUL Of the teacher Of others opinions and perspectives BE RESPONSIBLE Your words & actions For your assignments BE SMART With your time and efforts BE CLEAN In your language (no cursing) By picking up after yourself BE HONEST Don’t cheat/copy or plagiarize BE INVOLVED In class discussions In school activities (you are only in high a small portion of your life) CLASSROOM RULES….. BE!!!
Please note that acceptance in the course DOES NOT guarantee a spot in the class. Scheduling conflicts may arise so do not purchase anything until you know for sure you are in the course Please turn in your AP CONTRACT on or before it is due! There is a waiting list for AP Psych so not turning in your contract by the due date can result in losing your spot in the class Can’t wait to be your teacher! LET’S DO THIS THING! Here’s to 2016- 2017 & Beyond!