High-dose radioimmunotherapy versus conventional high-dose therapy and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for relapsed follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a multivariable cohort analysis by Ajay K. Gopal, Theodore A. Gooley, David G. Maloney, Stephen H. Petersdorf, Janet F. Eary, Joseph G. Rajendran, Sharon A. Bush, Lawrence D. Durack, Jane Golden, Paul J. Martin, Dana C. Matthews, Frederick R. Appelbaum, Irwin D. Bernstein, and Oliver W. Press Blood Volume 102(7):2351-2357 October 1, 2003 ©2003 by American Society of Hematology
Overall survival (A) and progression-free survival (B) of patients treated either with HD-RIT using 131I-tositumomab and ASCT or C-HDT and ASCT. . Overall survival (A) and progression-free survival (B) of patients treated either with HD-RIT using 131I-tositumomab and ASCT or C-HDT and ASCT. Ajay K. Gopal et al. Blood 2003;102:2351-2357 ©2003 by American Society of Hematology
Overall survival of patients treated either with HD-RIT or C-HDT and ASCT stratified by (A) elevated or normal levels of LDH at the time of transplantation or (B) age-adjusted IPI score (0-1 versus 2-3) at the time of transplantation. . Overall survival of patients treated either with HD-RIT or C-HDT and ASCT stratified by (A) elevated or normal levels of LDH at the time of transplantation or (B) age-adjusted IPI score (0-1 versus 2-3) at the time of transplantation. Ajay K. Gopal et al. Blood 2003;102:2351-2357 ©2003 by American Society of Hematology
OS (A) and PFS (B) of patients with nontransformed follicular lymphoma treated either with HD-RIT using 131I-tositumomab and ASCT or C-HDT and ASCT. . OS (A) and PFS (B) of patients with nontransformed follicular lymphoma treated either with HD-RIT using 131I-tositumomab and ASCT or C-HDT and ASCT. Ajay K. Gopal et al. Blood 2003;102:2351-2357 ©2003 by American Society of Hematology
Nonrelapse mortality of patients treated either with HD-RIT using 131I-tositumomab and ASCT or C-HDT and ASCT. . Nonrelapse mortality of patients treated either with HD-RIT using 131I-tositumomab and ASCT or C-HDT and ASCT. Ajay K. Gopal et al. Blood 2003;102:2351-2357 ©2003 by American Society of Hematology