Warm Up 4/13 Open your Senior Research Essay (on Google Docs)


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up 4/13 Open your Senior Research Essay (on Google Docs) Open Google Classroom Open the assignment “Peer Revision Form.” Type in your name, your general research topic, and then wait for further instructions.

Learning Targets: I can revise and edit other students’ work in the following three areas: MLA format, introduction format, and citation use in body paragraphs. I can respond to other students’ comments and suggestions on my own work by making the necessary changes to my essay. I can take what I learned from revising other students’ work by revising my own work independently (will the strengths I found in others’ work apply? Will the areas for improvement?)

Today… Today, we will work on Peer Review Steps 1, 2, and 3. I will set a timer. For the first block of time, you will complete the task of reviewer one for the student whose name comes directly after yours on the list of groups (if your name is last, you will complete the task for the first listed name). After the timer goes off, you will complete the task for reviewer two for the NEXT person listed, and so forth. In order to prepare, SHARE your essay AND your peer revision form with all students in your group.

Revision Groups 1 2 3 4 5 Tyler Nick Ellie Hunter Travis Warren Jack Max M. Erin Chloe Kelby Sarah Mei Jonah Hannah Eric Chase Max B. Spencer Emily James Cambryn Journey Claire Domenick Kiara Brendon Shelby Michael